Hello REB families, welcome to our week 3 Blog.
A highlight this week was celebrating Diwali and participating in a Diwali workshop hosted by Miss Mounika.
This week in English we:
-discovered that the diagraphs ‘ee’ and ‘ea’ make the same sound
-worked with partners to piece together poem ‘Beehive’
-used our heart words ‘or’ ‘see’ and ‘saw’ to make and then write sentences
-practiced the process of ‘partner check’ when we finish our books.
-Read ‘The Jigaree’ together in shared reading
In Maths we measured and compared objects based on their Mass
In HASS we read the book ‘Welcome to Country’ and considered why land is so important and special to Indigenous Australians. We represented our thinking through drawings.
In Science we did our first entry in our weather journals. We all agreed that some key words to describe the weather on Tuesday were ‘Sunny’ and ‘warm’.