Week 3 (RCC)

Dear families, welcome to our weekly blog!

In English, we learned –

  • Poem: Donkey and Monkey
  • Heart Words: or, see, saw
  • Digraphs: /e/ (ee) &
  • (-y)
  • Blending Words (ee): see, bee, eel, free, feed, seed, queen, green, three
  • Blending Words (-y): very, happy, windy, body, tricky, funny, sunny
  • We started every lesson with a quick game of: rhyming, blending or initial/last sounds
  • Reading workshop were implemented everyday, especially during morning fruit & snack time etc.


In Maths, we learned about- MASS. We used various items to compare the MASS.

– students learned what mass means

-they practiced the process of hefting

-they collected their own data on objects within the classroom.

– they used correct words as they compared a collection of items based on their mass.

– students worked in partners

-they ordered 5 or more logs in the Log park – from lightest to heaviest through the process of hefting

-they labeled the lightest and heaviest log


In Health, students learned about

‘What if…?’ scenarios and practised being assertive.

In Religion,we discussed about – Nature is God’s gift for all to love and enjoy. We also discussed about

  • God creates and loves nature and the universe
  • The beauty and wonder of nature are a reflection of God’s love
  • When someone gives you a gift, it is because they love and care for you.
  • Caring for a gift shows that you are grateful.

‘We have a responsibility to love and care for God’s ongoing gift of nature. (Laudato Si n.14)’

Children then completed a drawing to demonstrate how we care for God’s gift of nature.


In Science, students drew their pictures in their weather journals based on their observations and used symbols from the weather chart to represent the conditions.

Students, watched a video about Diwali and how it is celebrated. They enjoyed creating Diya with clay and used a range of materials to decorate them.


Speck of Gold !

Have a wonderful weekend!


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