Dear RCC families and children, welcome to our weekly blog!
This week in English, we learned and reviewed :
- Poem: Daisy the Snail, The Coin & Donkey and Monkey
- Heart Words: or, see, saw, do, did, not, day, play & from
- NEW HEART WORDS: look, back, all, make, made & like
- Digraphs: /e/ (ee) & (-y), /oi/ (oi) & (oy), /a/ (ai) & (ay)
- Blending Words (ee): see, bee, eel, free, feed, seed, queen, green, three
- Blending Words (-y): very, happy, windy, body, tricky, funny, sunny
- Blending Words (ai): tail, snail, rain, rail, pain, train, nail, main
- Blending Words (ay): play, pray, stay, may, way, day, say, spray
- Blending Words (oi): boil, oink, voice, joint, coin, soil, point, oil, join, spoil
- Blending Words (oy): boy, toy, ploy, enjoy, decoy, destroy, oyster, joy
- We began every lesson with a quick game of: rhyming, blending or initial/last sounds
- Reading workshop regularly implemented when possible: e.g. morning, fruit snack time etc.
Children also learned to
- write cards. We discussed about different cards we can write and the importance of cards.
In Maths, Students learned about Duration and Sequencing. They enjoyed connecting the topic to their everyday tasks.
In The Arts, children learned that a motif is a few movements joined together. They loved creating their dinosaur dance motif sequencing !
In Health, children learned strategies to keep safe and resilient. We discussed about
- Say ‘No’ or ‘Stop’.
- Remember my details.
- Use my Network.
- Go to a safe place.
- Move away.
In Religious Education, we revisited and brainstormed of how we try to be like Jesus. Discussed how we do these things daily and always embody Jesus’ teachings. Children drew a picture of how they have been like Jesus today.
In Science, students identified and described patterns in nature; they also communicated their findings effectively.