Dear Families,
This week in English we:
-engaged with word investigations with the focus on heart words: back, all, make, made and look
-read ‘Monster’s Party’ in shared ready
-learnt about prefixes and suffixes
-made our own rhyming book, influenced by Dr Suess
-Focused on the front cover of cards and began making Christmas cards for our loved ones.
-worked in groups for word building rotations
This week in Maths we:
-finished up our unit on measurement, focusing on duration and sequencing
In HASS we:
-Read ‘Billy Goats Gruff’ and designed and made a bridge that was free standing.
In Science we: continued our weather journals. We have noticed that the weather has been very unpredictable lately and have discovered that it can rain even when it’s hot!
In Religion we: discussed what makes Jesus special and how we can use his teachings in our daily life.
In Health we: learnt that it is ok to say no to people sometimes and acted out different scenarios where the word no could be used.