Week 7 (RCC)

Hello RCC families and children, welcome to our weekly blog!

This week, in English, students used descriptive words to create sentences. We also reviewed heart words, sounds, digraphs, CVC,  sentence structures. Children also explored:

  • Greeting cards – purpose and reader  – noticing differences between cards
  • Crafting illustrations and borders
  • Letter writing – to different people in school
  • Letter writing – to Santa
  • Post cards
  • Class letter box
  • Salutations – greetings/sign offs for letters and cards



In Maths, children learned to

  • identify left and right.
  • name positions in a race and queue using first, second, third
  • use the words ‘in front’ and ‘behind’ to label a position in a race or queue
  • they used small world play and blocks to create their town and enjoyed to program the beebot to move in different directions
  • as the beebot is moving, they narrated its position
  • said a sentence about its position once it has stopped moving

In Technology, the children finished off 3D model of a playground using recycled materials.



The Arts: The children created their own set of dinosaur movements. They turned these movements into short motifs which linked together to create a dance, performed to a piece of music. They also continued practicing songs for Carol’s Night.

Students are able to:

  • Develop the ability to create movements to music;
  • Practise movements and join them together to create a motif;
  • Practise and improve a dance motif;
  • Work as a team to create a short dance;
  • Remember and perform a short dance.

In Religious Education, we discussed that Christmas day is celebrated by Christians all over the world as the day of the birth of Jesus. We watched a video and discussed about the different people involved in the birth of Jesus.

Have a wonderful weekend !

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