Hello REB Families, welcome to our week 6 Blog.
This week in English we:
-revised the diagraphs ‘ee’ ‘oi’ ‘oy’ ‘ay’ and ‘ai’. We used these sounds to build words together
-Read ‘Grandpa Grandpa’ in shared reading
-Finished off our surprise for our families. (Please keep any eye out on your letter boxes next week)
-engaged with word building rotations
This week in Maths we introduced our new unit on positioning where we:
-learnt lots of words to describe the position of ourselves and objects
-worked together to make pictorial maps, to use with beebots next week
This week in HASS we were very fortunate to have a special visitor- Trent Hill who is a is an Indigenous storyteller, educator and guide who has worked at Adelaide Botanic Garden for more than 10 years. . Trent shared traditional artefacts with us and even played some cultural music. We documented our new discoveries through drawings.