Week 7 in REB

Hello REB families, welcome to our week 7 Blog.

We just finished off our week with our wonderful assembly. We put so much practice and effort into preparing for this and it was wonderful to see our students so proud and confident.

This week in English we:

-focused on the digraph ‘ch’

-tried independent writing for the first time, where we sounded out words and used resources (such as heart word charts and alphabet cards) to construct our sentences

-focused on adding diagrams to our books

-constructed sentences with our new heart words: ‘her, had & be’

-engaged with the poem ‘Rocket ship’ in our shared reading


This week in Maths we used new tools to help us with our addition and subtraction. This included number lines, ten frames and counters.


In Technologies and HASS we designed a nature playground for our existing log park. We considered the existing features and ways to ensure that our playground would be safe and enjoyable.

In Art we decorated our Moon lantern





Week 6 in REB

Hello REB Families, welcome to our week 6 blog.


In English this week we:

-engaged with word investigation games/activities based on the digraphs ‘th’ and ‘sh’

-investigated some topics for information books and began writing our own books that ‘teach’ readers

-constructed sentences using our new and old heart words

-focused on initial sounds



In Maths this week we:

-used number lines to add numbers together

-manipulated MAB blocks to make 2 digit numbers



In HASS this week we drew a map of the log park, taking into consideration its features and why they are important to this specific place.


In science this week we selected appropriate materials to make something that floats. We shared our predictions, observations and summaries as we tested them out.



One of our specks of gold this week was our time spent with our buddies.





Week 6, Term 3 (RCC)

Hello RCC  families and children, welcome to our weekly blog! We are excited to share all the fun and learning happening in our community. We hope you enjoy reading about our adventures as much as we enjoy experiencing them.

This week, in English we continued to learn

  • Two letters can work together to make one sound. We call these ‘digraphs’.
  • Guided reading sessions,
  • Phonological Awareness:
  • Rhyme- singing and playing with nursery rhymes.
  • Initial and end sounds
  • Blending and segmenting
  • Review learnt letter names and sound
  • Bookmaking

In Maths, we learned about the Part-Whole Operations. Students represented numbers to 40 using base Ten Blocks. They also used concrete materials to group collections. Students worked in groups and individually to group collections and discussed their findings. Children showed their enthusiasm in representing numbers to 120 using Base Ten Blocks. They also identified different ways to add and subtract. The children used different mediums to add and subtract.

In Health, students developed the understanding of the concept of a secret and differentiating between safe and unsafe secret.

In Religious Education, we identified what prayer is and children explained its purpose in simple terms, such as talking to God, thanking Him, or asking for His help. They also expressed a personal prayer about something they are thankful for (family, mum and dad), something they need, or someone they wanted to pray for.

In HASS, children learnt to represent features of a place through birds eye view  OR pictorial mapping. We went to the school oval, observed the area and its special features. Then, the children drew the place from a bird’s eye-view.

In Design and Arts, children created 3D models of objects of their choice.

In Science, students applied the skills and knowledge that they have learnt throughout the unit to make something that is suitable for water (e.g a boat). They chose the materials to use and justified their decisions using simple topic specific language.


Week 5 in REB

Hello REB Families, welcome to our week 5 Blog.

Book week brought so much fun and engagement this week, with our highlights being our book week parade and unwrapping new books for our classroom each day.


In English this week we:

-focused on the connection between page numbers and contents pages in bookmaking

-engaged with word investigation activities for the diagraphs ‘zz’ and ‘qu’

-participated in interactive writing sessions an applied our skills of punctuation and writing on lines



In math we introduced our new unit on part-whole operations. We used number bonds and ten frames to add numbers together.

In HASS we discussed what make a place special and represented our thinking through pictorial and birds eye maps of our own special place.


Another Highlight this week was having having our amazing buddies come to inspire us in our art lesson. They supported us to create our own Mulga characters, which they will be using in an animation for our upcoming assembly.

In technologies we learnt about the Aboriginal tradition of weaving.



-Our Assembly is in week 7 (friday)

-Please consider donating an item for our Spring Fair stall.


Week 4 in REB

Hello REB Families, welcome to our our week 4 blog.

We had many exciting and meaningful events this week including a music concert presented by Thomas Moore College and our school Liturgy.

We are very much looking forward to Book Week next week! Please bring in one picture book to share with class. This will be returned at the end of the week.

Just a reminder that students are invited to dress up as a book character next Thursday!






This week in English we:

-Showcased our incredible progress with sentence writing. We have been working so persistently to include finger spaces in our writing!

-reviewed our heart words and and used the in oral sentences

-participated in word investigations focusing on the digraphs ‘ss’ and ‘ll’

-focused on headings in information books





In Maths we wrapped up our unit on Number. We engaged with many experiences including:

-number lines

-dice roll game

-guess the number (on a 100 grid)

Our next Unit will be ‘Part-whole portioning’




In HASS we engaged with google maps to view our school from a birds eye perspective. We discovered that features within our school have boundaries and represented through shapes and colours. We then drew our own birds eye view map of the school


In Science we have been focusing on properties of different materials. This week we wondered ‘What floats?’. We conducted our investigations where we made predictions and summarised our observations.


-Our Assembly is in week 7 (6th September)

-Colour run is on the 26th September. Please let me know if you did not receive a booklet

Colour Run 2024 – Read-Only


Week 4, Term 3 (RCC)

Dear RCC students and families, welcome to our weekly blog!

In English, we introduced consonant doublet Floss rule: double ‘s’ at the end of a one syllable word after a short vowel.

The children read daily, each week the students were engaged with a shared text together with a reading focus.

Intentional teaching focus during shared reading:

  • What is the title?
  • Who are the characters?
  • Do you like the story? -why
  • Punctuation, capital letters
  • Highlight – crafting techniques – for example speech bubbles, big and bold
  • How does the story make you feel?
  • What information is the book telling us?
  • Predicting rhyme while reading.
  • What happened in the story?
  • Noticing the lay out of the book.

In Book making, children continued to work on their Information books.


  • Chose a topic
  • Worked on Organisation – headings or titles
  • Introduced to Fact boxes, accurate colour and words on diagrams.

We had ‘Book Tasting’ experience this week! The children absolutely loved the environment, they were excited to participate! They enjoyed reading a book, finding words, and writing them down.


In Maths, children learned to compare and order numbers from 0-120.



In Health, students developed the understanding of Body Privacy and Personal Boundaries. They identified the actions that keep them safe and healthy. They also recognised safe and unsafe situations and how to respond.

In Religious education, Children learned that The Bible is a sacred text for Christians. They are able to understand that the Bible contains stories about God, Jesus and the way of life as well as the importance of the Bible.

in HASS, children revisited the concepts from last week:  birds eye view, identifying and categorising features of a place through colour, shapes and boundaries.



Week 3, Term 3 (RCC)

Hello RCC families and children, welcome to our week 3 blog.

This week, in English

  • Introduced Digraphs – the idea that two letters together may represent one sound. Grapheme ‘ck’, Phoneme /k/
  • Spelling Rule: Consonant double Floss rule: double ‘f’ at the end of a one syllable word after a short vowel.

During Reading Workshops we discussed about

  • What is the title?
  • Who are the characters?
  • Do you like the story? -why
  • punctuation, capital letters
  • Highlighting – crafting techniques – for example speech bubbles, big and bold
  • How does the story make you feel?
  • What information is the book telling us?

In Book making, we talked about Information Books.  Learners are being brave spellers and having a go at adding words to their books. They are also adding spaces in their writing.

In Maths, children represented numbers on a number line to 20, identified ‘one more’ and ‘one less’ for numbers to 20. They also compared and ordered Numbers to 20.

In Health, We discussed about the Five Senses and Body Awareness.

Students identified and understood the five senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. They also recognised how each sense helps them to learn about their environment and stay safe.  They practiced using their senses through interactive activities.

In Religious Education, we listened to the stories of God’s love. Students developed the understanding of the concept of God’s love through simple stories.

In HASS our Learning Intention was to represent features of place through shapes and colour. Lesson was focused on finding the boundaries and features of places from a ‘birds eye view’.

In Arts and Design, we explored Olympic arenas. Children picked a sport and we discussed about what the arena would need – for example: swimming – would need a large, long pool with lanes. Then children drew their choice of arenas.

In Science:

Our Learning intention was to understand that objects are made of different materials. Children explored different types of materials. We also discussed about how some objects can be made by combining materials.



  • Assembly – Week 5