Week 4 in REB

Hello REB Families, welcome to our week 4 blog.

This week we have welcomed Claudia Pisani to REB on Fridays. REB students have Miss Pisani as their PE teacher on Tuesdays and seemed thrilled that they would be learning with her now on Fridays too.

This week in English we:

-continued with our bookmaking, making sure that we had followed all the steps to finish our books

-focused on words and rhyming in our InitaLit sessions

-focused on the book ‘How to catch a Star’ in our story book sessions


This week in Maths we focused on number positioning and engaged in lots of number line activities.


This week in science we planted our beans. We discussed what our beans will need to survive and documented our observations in our Bean Diaries.





Week 3 in RFL

Dear RFL families,

We’ve had another exciting and busy week in Reception! The students are settling into routines and growing in confidence each day.

In literacy, we’ve been focusing on letter recognition and early early writing skills. The students have been practicing their letter formation and using their growing vocabulary to share ideas.


In science, we’ve been exploring the differences between living and non-living things. The students enjoyed planting their own seeds and learned how to look after them.


Playful learning




Week 3 in REB

Hello REB Families, welcome to our week 3 Blog!

This week in English we:

-Continued to strengthen our writing muscles in a variety of writing and drawing tasks

-Focused on the story ‘The Very Hungry Bear in our Story book lessons. This eventuated to making homes for animals.

-engaged in literacy rotations and rhyme games

-read lots of books together and independently. We are learning that we can read simply by making meaning through illustrations

-continued with our bookmaking, focusing on sticking to a topic and consistent characters



This week in Maths we focused on conservation. We:

-made pasta plates and used STEM sentences to explain how many we had

-Read the text ‘One Fish, Two Fish’ by Dr Sues and made our own numbered fish bowl

-used subsisting strategies to play a dice game

-applied counting strategies, numeral writing and cardinality to complete the ‘flip it’ task



This week in Health we discussed how feelings are normal and ok and how we can work through them. We used role-play to talk through scenarios and then shared our ideas through drawings.


This week in Science we began crafting our ‘bean diaries’ We discussed the life cycle of plants and what they need to survive, We are very much looking forward to planting our own beans next week.



-If you were unable to attend the information night, the documents shared are on last weeks blog

-Library is on Monday, please bring in your child’s library bag on this day. They will be borrowing readers from this week (5 books in total)

-A slight change in our morning routine: From this week, we will be starting morning reading or a writing task on arrival. Our morning group time will be starting at 9:10.




Family History

Hello RFL families,

Please bring a special object or a photo from home that represents your family history tomorrow. Students will share their item with the class, explaining its significance and any stories associated with it.


Fiona Lau

RFL Week 1 & 2

Dear RFL families,

The first two weeks of school have been filled with excitement as our students have settled into their new learning environment! They have been busy exploring the classroom, making new friends and learning our daily routines.

Through play-based learning, the children have been developing their social and fine motor skills, engaging in creative activities, and enjoying outdoor play. It’s been wonderful to see their confidence grow each day.

We have captured a few special moments from these first weeks.

Playful learning:

Self portrait:

In technologies, they have explored different applications:

They have practiced writing their name:


Our school celebrated Lunar New Year during Assembly:

Week 2 in REB

Hello REB Families, welcome to our week 2 blog.

We have had another amazing week together and it is very evident that students are adjusting to and understanding our routines and forming relationships within our community.

This week in English we:

-continued with bookmaking, focusing on adding text to pages and completing our front covers

-played Rhyme and syllabification games

-participated in literacy rotations, exploring the shape of letters

-continue to engage in name writing and building activities

-completed a comprehension task from the book ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’


This week in Maths we:

-learnt about and practiced counting strategies

-participated in numeracy rotations where we practiced writing numerals, created number lines and counted collections

-made a number-line caterpillar


This week in Science/Technologies we:

-Spent time in the MUDLA, taking our own photos of living beings that we found. We even had the opportunity to touch/hold the Bearded Dragon!

This week in HASS we:

-discussed how families can be different and similar and shared who are in our families. We then represented this through drawings

Other Learning this week:

Religion: Who is Jesus?

Health: Safe Choices

Arts: Water painting



-Our Parent information night will be held next Monday at 6pm. Don’t worry if you can’t make it, all information/power point slides are attached below.

Parent Information


Parent-Carer Information

Week 1 in REB

Dear Families,

It has been so lovely meeting you and your wonderful children throughout the week and I look forward to getting to know each of you more over the next few weeks.


We have had such an amazing start to our year and have spent lots of time connecting with and learning about each other through group games and playful inquiry.Each child has shown so much resilience in adjusting to our school routine and expectations.

Some experiences this week included:

-Rainbow names craft

-creating locker tags


-syllabification games

-letter games and number games and songs


-A nature walk, searching for living-beings.


Some Notices and Reminders:

  • Library is on Monday. Please Return library bags each Monday Morning.
  • P.E is on Tuesday. Please ensure your child is dressed in their sports uniform
  • Spanish is on Tuesday and Music is on Thursday.
  • Please find the ‘Information Letter’ and ‘About me’ documents below, which were emailed last week.
  •   Welcome Letter