Term 1, Week 6

In Literacy this week we have been focussing on learning the letter names and sounds of ‘Oo, Bb, Cc, Hh and Ee’. We are continuing to revise previous letters learnt and using these letter to form words and sentences. We are practising to write the correct formation of the letters and to practise writing words and sentences dictated by Mrs Anibaldi. Our high frequency words learnt this week include; I, is, a, the, my and of. We are starting to recognise these words in our take home readers.

In bookmaking, the children are continuing their work as Authors and Illustrators by using some of the taught crafting techniques that authors and illustrators use in picture books. We are adding more detail and colour to our illustrations, thinking about where we could use speech bubbles, ellipses and onomatopoeia. Please come and speak with me if you wish to know more about these crafting techniques.

In Numeracy, our focus has been on cardinality, conservation, 1:1 correspondence and subitising. The children thoroughly enjoyed playing dice games to strengthen their subitising skills.

In Art, we continued exploring mediums and concepts focusing on abstract art. Our class masterpiece is displayed in the classroom for anyone to view.

In Religion, we explored prayer and the significant importance of the sign of the cross.

In Health, we looked at Road Traffic Safety; what to look out for when walking or travelling in the car/bus.

In Science, we continued looking at different animal categories, in particular, their habitat and what each animal needs to survive. Our visit to the MUDLA was a perfect opportunity to continue these discussions and wonderings.

In HASS, we looked at the world map, specifically where each family originated from. We clearly mapped out each family’s cultural heritage and labelled it with each child’s name. The children enjoyed exploring each other’s heritage and how far each Country was from Australia. They then attempted to draw the map.

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