Term 1, Week 7

In literacy this week, we have been focussing on blending sounds together to make words. After hearing the word, we have been working on hearing the different sounds that make up that word, focussing on the initial letter, vowel sound and finally the end sound. The children have been having a go at writing these words individually first and then together we do it as a group. We are continually to build our knowledge of some high frequency words namely; a, the, my, of, give and have.

In bookmaking we have started a new spotlight study focussing on ‘Illustrations’. We have been looking at what we notice in picture books, what can we try to use in our books, ways to show movement ie. movement lines, different sized people, making characters look different by adding specific details eg. hair colour, clothing etc., facial expressions, showing time of day or weather in background (setting) and consistent setting in background details so that pages are connected.

In Numeracy, we have started to explore shape. We have specifically looked at the number of sides, corners etc. and whether a shape is a curved shape or a straight shape. We used our knowledge of these properties to then sort shapes into different categories ie. size, colour, type etc.

In Health, we looked at warning signs in the body; understanding that our body sends messages to display feelings/emotions. The children drew what their bodies may look like when feeling different emotions.

In HASS, the children continued to explore their identity focusing on what their individual likes are. After much discussion as a group, they then drew all their own personal likes that make them unique and special.

In Art, we continued working on Abstract Art (a modern form of art that doesn’t look exactly like other things around us). It might make you think, or laugh, or feel something new. It might look like something to you, and something completely different to someone else. Abstract art can be anything that you imagine!

In Science, we continued to explore the different things specific animals need to survive. The children chose an animal from the MUDLA to draw together with its habitat and what it needs to survive and feel protected.

In Religion, we are entering prayer each morning with the children using the sign of the cross and thinking about what they are grateful for or thinking about someone they wish to pray for. People can pray in different ways: singing, dancing, saying a prayer, meditating, experiencing moments of being quiet and being alone.  We have been exploring this through singing and dancing.




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