Term 2, Week 2

Term 2, Week 2

The children have settled in smoothly and are quite engaged in all areas of learning.

Next Monday we will be celebrating all our mothers & special women in our lives by having a Mother’s Day Liturgy. Please read the information below from our APRIM, Anthony Terminello.

Mother’s Day Liturgy

Next Monday, 13th May, our school community will be celebrating Mother’s Day with a liturgy to be held in House teams. Our Year 6 House and Sports Captains will host each liturgy, which begins at 9am. Please find the liturgy locations for your child/ren below:

  • St Pope John-Paul II House (Red) – Hall
  • St Vincent De Paul House (Cream) – Curiosity
  • St Mary MacKillop House (Black) – Mass Centre

From 8:15am until 9:15am on the Monday morning, a Fresh Bean Adelaide coffee van will be supplying coffees free of charge. We would love to see as many mothers, grandmothers, big sisters, aunts and cousins as possible, along with all your family, and it would be fantastic if you could stay to celebrate the Mother’s Day liturgy at 9am.

Wishing all mothers and significant people in our children’s lives a Happy Mother’s Day on Sunday, and we look forward to seeing you on Monday morning.

Kind regards,

Anthony Terminello APRIM

Just a reminder that we will be hosting an Assembly on Friday 24th May at 9am in the Hall. All families are invited to attend. The children have been quite busy in preparation and are eager to showcase their performance.

The take home folders have been sent out this week. This includes letters learnt, blending words and high frequency words. If your child wants to write them out, that is perfectly fine. If not, please don’t push them. Just going through the content together will suffice. These folders will go home every day and its expected that they get returned every morning.

Please also continue to read with your child every night if possible. This may include sharing picture or information books or your child’s readers.

For HASS in Week 8 on Thursday 20 June (1.30 pm), I’m invited any families who would like to come in to speak to the children about their culture and any cultural events that you celebrate. You may wish to bring in any cultural artefacts to showcase also. Please let me know as soon as possible if you would like to come in. It doesn’t need to be very long, but the children would benefit from this type of sharing. If the time doesn’t suit, we could possibly arrange another time.

In Literacy we are continuing our Author Study on Mo Willems, specifically looking at drawing the pigeon that is illustrated in some of Mo’s books together with writing a sentence about the pigeon.

In Numeracy, we are continuing our patterning work looking at AB, AAB and AABB pattern types.

In Religion, we looked at the Pentecost and how the disciples could not see the Holy Spirit but they did see tongues of fire rest above their heads. The children enjoyed creating their own tongues of fire headband.

In HASS, we explored ways that we are connected to different groups of people and communities.

In Arts, the children made props to re-tell the story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’.

In Science, we looked at how our bodies can move in a variety of ways. We explored our body movements through a GoNoodle dance and Dinosaur Stomp dance. The children were asked to think about what movements they did in the dances, discuss it with a partner and share their findings with the group. They then used different actioned cue cards showing a variety of different movements. They each physically copied each movement with a partner whilst the other tried to name the movement.

Wishing all our mothers a very happy Mother’s Day for Sunday. I do hope you all get spoilt with love, affection and time spent together as a family.


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