Term 2, Week 7

We have been working on a few assessment tasks this week in preparation for the end of Semester reports.

In literacy, we have been consolidating our letter name/sound understanding together with learning our heart words. Furthermore, we have been sounding out letter sounds to make words and collaboratively constructing sentences by using the explicitly taught reading and spelling strategies that we have been learning. We have started a new bookmaking study this week ie. ‘ways to add words’ to our books.

In Numeracy, we concluded our learning around data. For the assessment, the children needed to tally up everyone’s vote relating to ‘What is your favourite colour?’ and place the votes on the graph. We then reflected on the most and the least favourite colour from the data collected.

In Health, we viewed ‘Some Secrets should never be kept’ and talked about each of us having a trust network of adults we can go to if someone is hurting us or touching us inappropriately.

In Science, we explored the notion that the form of movement depends on the material that the object is made from.

In Hass, the children planned a special event including, things you will need, what food you will eat, who will be invited, what activities are planned, where will your event be held and what costumes or clothes will be worn.

In Religion, the children are learning about various religions and the different symbols that each use.

In the Arts, the children continued to learn about the five parts of a retell. They choose to retell a part/scene from the story ‘The Three Little Pigs’.

In Technology, the children continued to build a house that they firstly designed on paper (inspired from the 3 little pigs).

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