Term 2, Week 8

It’s hard to believe that we’re in Week 8 already!

In literacy, we are reviewing all the previously learnt letter names and sounds and using these to form words and construct sentences. In bookmaking, our focus for the remainder of the term is ‘ways to add words’ to our books. The children are being brave spellers and having a go at writing words and sentences in their books.

In Numeracy, we have commenced our unit on measurement. We are exploring what we use to measure, using measurable words like longer/shorter, bigger/smaller, comparing heights, sequencing events and comparing duration of time.

In Science, we used different types of balls to investigate which one would bounce the highest bases on the different materials of the balls.

In Religion, we looked at the different components of different religions.

In Health, We explored the notion of fair versus unfair behaviours.

In Arts, we focuses on re-telling the story of ‘The three little pigs’ through dramatic play and in Technology, the children got to construct their own house from the story.

In HASS, Mohammad (Aima’s dad) came in to speak with us about his Country and culture. He is from Afghanistan and mum is from Pakistan. He showed us some amazing cultural dresses that Aima wore to a wedding and he taught us how they greet others ie. Salam (peace be upon you) and people would reply Walaikum Salam (same to you). We also leant that their family doesn’t sit around a table to share food; they each sit on comfortable cushions on the floor to cater for all the family. Thank you so much Mohammad for taking the time to speak with us about your beautiful culture.


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