Term 2, Week 9

It’s hard to believe that we are almost at the end of the term!

In Literacy, we have been consolidating our letter name/sound knowledge and blending sounds to make meaning in our writing and our reading.

In Numeracy, we have continued our work on measurement, depicting sequence of events together with arranging lengths of paper from the shortest to the longest. We even worked collaboratively to measure each other’s height using the unifix cubes.

The photos are priceless!

In Science, we predicted how different objects would slide down the slippery dip based on object materials and characteristics.

In Religion, we explored ‘what is prayer?’ and the children filled out a prayer card on what they wanted to personally prayer for.

In HASS, we continued exploring Aboriginal people’s special events. We explored ‘what is the dreaming?’ and we watched ‘The Rainbow Serpent’.

In Health, the children explored what they believe ‘power’ is. We discussed the difference between fair/unfair and we used picture cards to explore ‘how power was used in a fair way’ versus ‘how power was used in an unfair way’.

In The Arts, we continued exploring story telling skills reflecting on real life experiences.

In Technology, we explored building and creating things, just like real designers and engineers. We listened to the book, ‘If I Built a House’ by Chris Van Dusen and we explored different kinds of things we would like to build or create. We brainstormed different materials we could use and the children built enclosures for small animals.

Hope you enjoy the photos!

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