Term 2, Week 3

We started the week with a beautiful liturgy focussing on all the amazing mothers and special females in our lives. Thank you to our inspirational mothers and grandmothers who attended the liturgy.

Just a reminder that our class, together with RCC and REB will be hosting an Assembly in Week 4 on Friday 24th May at 9am in the Hall. All families are invited to attend. I’ve sent home readings for three children to practise at home in preparation for our Assembly: namely, Mikeyla, Celine, and Raymond. If you haven’t seen this piece of paper, please check your child’s bag.

An email also was sent out today to all families regarding the children interviewing a grandparent or older person whom they know. Please support your child with this interview and return the sheets to me no later than end of Week 7 (14th June).

In literacy this week we focussed on the letter’s ‘J’ and ‘V’ in Word Study with a particular focus on the spelling rule for each ie. If you hear a /j/ at the start of a word, it can be written with ‘j’ or ‘g’. The letter ‘g’ will only sound like /j/ if it is followed by an e, I or y. All words that end in ‘v’ must be followed by e, like in cave, gave, hive, give, love, and have.

In Numeracy, we started to look at part-whole operations, specifically looking at Addition with materials within 5 and Subtraction with materials within 5.

In Religion, we explored the different Catholic Symbols that is of significance in our Catholic Faith ie. The cross, the fish and the candle.

In Science, we continued to explore movement of our bodies and discussing what specific parts of our body is moving when performing different movements ie. Walk, jump, wave, blind, breathe, skip etc.

In HASS, we discussed our own Family Trees. Thank you to families who returned these. The children shared their own family tree with a partner and then drew their family members in their learning journals.

In Health, we are continuing to explore relationships and the people who are special to us.


One thought on “Term 2, Week 3

  1. So nice to see Liam writing Jelly and Joker Cleary. He is definitely a joker around the house and his favourite treat is Jelly.

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