Term 3, Week 9

What a fun week we’ve had!

In Numeracy, we revisited our knowledge around 2D shapes by identifying the different attributes of each shape, sorting shapes according to how many sides and vertices they have, going on a ‘shape walk’ and identifying shapes in buildings and structures and making pictures using different shapes.

In bookmaking, we explored the notion of adding labels to our diagrams. We practised doing this with a picture of a bee. The children drew a bee and then needed to label the different parts. They then used this knowledge to apply it to their own information books.

Term 3, Week 8

We thoroughly enjoyed making our lanterns for the Moon Lantern Festival. The Moon Lantern Festival celebrates the gathering of friends and family after the crops are harvested. The celebration is to give thanks for the harvest and pray for family and good fortune.

We hope you enjoy some photos from today’s Assembly.

Term 3, Week 7

What an exciting week we’ve had!

Our 2D log park drawings from Design and Technology have come to fruition. The children thoroughly enjoyed making all of their ideas come to light by making their 3D models on what they would like the log park to look like.Thank you to all the families who donated items for their making.

I hope you enjoy their wonderful creations.

Just a reminder that next Thursday the school will be celebrating an assembly at 9am based on the Moon Lantern Festival. Children can wear traditional or cultural clothing on the day.


Term 3, Week 6

Welcome to Week 6. The children all looked amazing for their photos on Wednesday.

In literacy, our bookmaking focus for the remainder of the term is on making information books. Each child has chosen their desired topic and has written/drawn 4 facts to include in their book to share with others.  In Numeracy, the children have enjoyed counting large quantities using the MAB blocks, representing ones, tens, hundreds and thousands (place value system).

Our highlight this week was making boats out of waterproof materials that would float on top of water. I hope you enjoy all the photos of their creations!

Wishing all our fathers a very Happy Father’s Day for Sunday.




Term 3, Week 5

This week was all about Book week! The students did an amazing job on stage and the Parade was exceptional. Hopefully, the theme ‘Reading is Magic’ will inspire all all our young children to develop a love of reading. Thank you to all families who attended and supported our Assembly.


Term 3, Week 4

Welcome to Week 4.

Last Friday we gathered with RCC and our buddy class 5KH for a gathered lunch after celebrating the Mary MacKillop Mass on Thursday. We have also been spending time together this week practising for our upcoming Assembly on Thursday 22nd August. All families are welcome to attend.

The children have immersed themselves as Designers and builders, constructing different Olympic stadiums and nature play areas. They used their own designs to think about space, location and dimensions.

We also enjoyed taking our Math’s lesson outside with our newly painted 100’s board out in the Courtyard. The children enjoyed exploring and locating different numbers on the board, using their whole body.


Term 3, Week 3

Welcome to Week 3!

On Thursday 22nd August in Week 5, RIA, RCC & 5KH will be hosting the Assembly. All families are invited to attend. This is Book week so the children will come dressed in their book character costumes on that day also. A parade of costumes will commence straight after the Assembly.

In Literacy, we have started to look at the digraphs (two letters together that represent one sound) ‘ck’ and ‘ff’. We have blended and segmented words like pick, sick, off and puff. We also collaboratively constructed sentences using some of these words. Please refer to the Weeks 3 and 4 of the take home sheet for more clarification.

In Numeracy, we have continued exploring numbers to 20 including using a number line in identifying ‘one more’ and ‘one less’ and comparing and ordering numbers to 20. The children enjoyed making their 1-20 caterpillar.

In Religion, we continued looking at stories of God’s love. We viewed the story ‘The Prodigal Son’ and the children were asked questions like, ‘How did God show love in the story?’, and ‘How did the characters feel God’s love?’.

In HASS, we explored ways of representing features of place through shapes and colour. We looked at images of places from a ‘birds eye view’ and looked at the different features ie. boundaries, shapes, location etc.

In Art and Technology, the children explored ways of constructing their own Olympic Arenas. Quite a few children decided to use building blocks and other items to make Arenas for their dinosaurs to explore – very creative!

In Science, we continued exploring how objects are made of different materials. We viewed ‘What’s Behind the Bush?’ and the children needed to guess the mystery item based on the description. The children then drew the items that they found.


Term 3, Week 2

Welcome to Week 2!

In literacy this week, we have continued to review previously learnt letter names and sounds, learnt two new heart words ie. for and have and focused on onset and rime patterns ie. -it, -op, -ot and -ug. The children put together a story map to utilise in their bookmaking to plan out their thinking prior to devising their own book. We are also starting to explore the differences between narratives (story books) and information texts.

In Numeracy, the children have continued their work around Number in particular, counting collections to 20, Kaurna Counting to 10 and representing & writing numbers to 20. We have had a strong focus on number formation also.

In Religion, we explored the Bible and looked closely at the story ‘Noah’s Ark’. The children used their knowledge of the story to devise a picture of events that took place.

In Technology and Art, we explored the different flags that each Country is represented in the Olympic Games. The children also explored ways of designing their own flag.

In HASS, re re-visited our experiences from last week ie. using our senses to identify features of the playground. The children created a picture map of the playground in their journals.

In Science, the children took it in turns playing ‘what’s the same’ where students work out what three objects have in common eg. all soft or made from wood.

In Health, we explored the functions of our different body parts and how to take care of them (hygiene and self-care). Some examples include, washing face regularly and don’t rub eyes with dirty hands, avoid loud noises for our ears, brush our teeth twice a day and wash our hands regularly with water and soap, especially before eating and after using the toilet.

Term 3, Week 1

The children were very excited to share their holiday stories this week. We welcome Cooper to our class who started with us on Monday.

In Literacy, we are reviewing previously learnt letter names/sounds, introduced two new heart words ‘is’ and ‘was’ and looked at onset and rime patterns. This learning can be reinforced through Weeks 1 & 2 of the ‘Take Home’ sheet sent home this week.

In Numeracy, we reviewed numbers 1-20, writing number to 10, representing numbers on a number line and comparing numbers to 10; looking specifically at different collection of objects and working out which group has more or fewer items.

In Science, we explored different objects ie. liquids, fabrics, soft and hard items and elasticity and used our words to describe how the object looks, feels and behaves.

In Technology/Arts, we looked at what the Olympic games/Paralympic games are, in reference to the Paris games commencing this weekend. The children enjoyed representing their favourite sport through drawing.

In Religion, we explored different prayers and Bible stories depicting the love that God and Jesus has for us all and how we can be more like them.

In HASS, we looked at features of a familiar place. We headed to the playground using the following prompts: What features do you see? What features do you touch, what features do you smell? What features do you hear?.

In Health, we are continuing our learning around the Child Protection Curriculum, particularly focused on body awareness.