Term 1 week 4

Hi all,

We had another amazing week in RKS. Check out all we learnt!


In HASS we have been looking at important items in your family that has been passed down and we ask students to bring a special object or a photo from home that represents their family history for show and tell next week.


In literacy we have been looking at syllables in words and strengthening our writing hands.


We have continued looking at counting to 20


In science we have been looking at living things and how plants are living things.

Term 1 Week 3

Hi all,

We had another busy week in RKS with lots of learning. I have added some videos of what we learnt throughout the week.


In literacy this week the students looked at Rhyming words and seeing if we can hear the same sound at the end of the word. We also started creating books from things we love.


We have continued learning the importance of counting


In HASS we looked at our families and who are in them.


In science we are looking at living and non-living things where we ventured out to the MUDLA to investigate all the animals.

Term 1 Week 2

Hi all,

It was another amazing week in RKS where we looked at the letters in our names, how to make books and counting up to 10.

Word Study



Term 1 Week 1

Dear families and caregivers,

Welcome to the 2025 school year.

It has been a great start! I have had the pleasure of meeting some of you throughout the week so far.  It has been awesome meeting and getting to know your children too. I look forward to working with you all across the year to support your children here are a few things we got up too through the week.