Hello RLY and RUF families and welcome to the end of week 4!
We’ve been very busy this week commencing our InitiaLit program for English, working through some math assessments and of course finding time to build connections within our community through play!
Here is a quick run down of our week…
This week we started our InitiaLit program. The first 12 lessons are focused on phonological awareness as a stepping stone to phonics and phonetics. The InitiaLit program has three main elements: Scripted whole group learning, small group and independent work, and Storybook lessons. So far this program has been working really well in our classes and we can’t wait to see where it takes us! We also continued with our bookmaking as we establish ourselves as authors and create our own books!
We continued with our unit on numbers (0-10) where we focused on cardinality, conservation, making connections between numeral and quantity and subitising. We ended the week with an assessment where we created our own number lines with quantities underneath.
We learnt about how things change over time and looked at photos of old items such as telephones, cars, houses, watches etc and looked at what they look like now. We then discussed what was still the same about them and why they would be changing over time.
This week we learnt how to identify safe and unsafe situations and how to respond to them in a safe way.
We learnt about fundamental movements and the different ways we use our bodies to move and how this benefits us and helps us be successful in life (including dancing!)
We used the iPad’s this week to continue learning different math strategies.
This week’s topic was ‘How do we talk to God?’. We did through through prayer circles and prayer songs.
We discussed what makes something living. We explored the attributes of living vs non living things. We then looked at what elements living beings need.
- Library is on Tuesday’s. This is the only day you will need to bring library bags to school.
- P.E. is on Monday’s so students need to wear their sports uniform on this day only.
- We are a nut aware school – this means we cannot have nuts brought in to the classroom in any form due to the extreme risk posed to some students with anaphylaxis.
- Hats need to be brought to school each day or students will not be able to play outside and will need to stay in the shade.
- Breakfast club is offered to students who have not eaten that morning. It runs from 8:30-8:50 near the billabongs each day.
- We have three eating times at school. Fruit time, recess and lunch. Please pack some fruit or yoghurt for brain food, snacks for recess, and lunch to make sure the children have enough food during the day!
- We will be hosting our assembly (RLY and RUF) on Friday 14th March at 2:10 in the Hall. All are welcome!
- We ask that all parents exit the classroom by 8:50am each day, we are here to help your children settle, put their lunchboxes away and engage in name writing. We ask this as we are now starting our lessons from 9am. It can become unsettling for other children to see parents staying in the classroom especially when they are missing their parents as well. Our principal Chris Platten will be coming through each morning to support this routine.
- We also ask that you bring your children to school by 8:45am at the latest so we can start our day and your child does not miss out on our InitiaLit literacy block.
We look forward to seeing you all back for week 5!
Ms. Yeend and Ms. Farah.