Friday – Term 2, Week 1

Welcome to Friday

Our Calendar


Our Learning

Celebrating 25 nights of reading – Well Done Xavier

Celebrating 50 nights of reading – Well done Krisha

Book Making Focus:

This week we have been talking about: How do authors add word to their books?

Some author use BIG and BOLD words.

Can you find some examples of BIG and BOLD in your books at home.

Numeracy Focus:

Shapes around us. Today we talked about different shapes, their names and their properties.

What different shapes can you find at home?

The children borrowed new books today from the library. We hope you enjoy reading these over the weekend.

Enjoy the sunny weather and we will see you on Monday.

Michelle and Paul

Thursday, Term 2, Week 1

Welcome to Thursday


Daily Routine:

Snapshot of Learning:

Numeracy- Today, we focussed on 2D shape names. We used different coloured shapes to create our own pictures. Here are our creations:

We then went to the playground too see what shapes we could find:

Technologies- Today, we started looking at the art form of origami. We learnt how to make a paper fan by folding and gluing.

Have a wonderful evening. 🙂

Wednesday, Week 1 – Term 2

Welcome to Wednesday

Our Calendar


Our Learning

Celebrating 75 nights of reading – well done Oscar!

Snap shot of our learning:

Yesterday we talked about our ‘rights’ and ‘responsibilities’.

Our rights included:

  • water
  • food
  • to learn
  • to play
  • to be safe
  • to have a house

Our responsibilities within the classroom include:

  • To learn (by finding a power learning spot) and allow others to learn
  • To listen
  • To allow the teacher to teach
  • To be kind
  • To be safe

As each child has the right to ‘play’ – during play investigations the children explored various play experiences which build upon the important learning dispositions of:

  • Collaboration
  • Curiosity
  • Persistence
  • Leadership
  • Creativity
  • problem solving.

These learning dispositions are important for life long learners:

Have a great night – see you tomorrow.


Michelle and Paul

Tuesday, Term 2, Week 1

We hope everyone had a fantastic holiday. The children came to school this morning with many stories about the fun they had during their holidays.


Daily Routine:

Snapshot of Learning:

Literacy- Today we looked at the letter Jj. As a class, we brainstormed as many words that we could that begin with the letter j. Afterwards, students practised writing the letter Jj and words that begin with the letter. We then finished off by writing sentences using high frequency words.

Today, we celebrated Joel who achieved 75 nights of reading and Reid who achieved 50 nights of reading. Keep up the great work boys! 

Have a great evening and see you tomorrow 🙂



End of Term 1 and Reading

Term 1

What a fantastic term of learning together. We are so proud of  all the children and how they have settled into their new learning environment – ‘School’. We have seen bravery, leadership, collaboration, kindness, risk taking, persistence and friendship woven throughout our days together, which has built a wonderful foundation, for our year of learning together.

We hope you have a wonderful and safe holiday together with family and friends and we look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday the 27th of April.

Michelle and Paul

Congratulations to Mason and Aria who achieved 50 nights of reading. Well done! 

Literacy learning

During the holidays please continue to build upon your child’s literacy knowledge and understandings from term 1 by reading your books from your black bags,  using the purple book that came home and the ideas listed below (the photos)

The purple letter/ word book:

This book has been given to you for your use at home.  It is intended to help you with your child’s reading and writing and compliment what we are learning at school.  It is your book and how you use it is up to you.

Some pages have letter sounds.  You can practise saying and writing the sound if you wish and write some words that have that sound in it.  For example, the letter s is found at the beginning of the words, sun, sat, sit and so on.

Some pages have a list of high frequency words that are commonly found in your child’s reading books.  They have been arranged in groups of words at a time and it is suggested that you focus on the first group of  words by saying them out loud with your child and getting them to read the words out loud and maybe writing them too.  Once one set can be read with instant recognition and without support from an adult then your child can move onto the next set and so on.

Your child’s learning journey is important and I hope this will support their reading and writing growth.

There is a literacy link attached below for you to access additional reading material from Oxford Owl.


Some pictures of us borrowing books from the library:

Additional ideas:


Use weekly words and read/ write them in creative ways for example;

  • Lego
  • Sticks or items from your garden
  • Crayons
  • Whiteboard texta’s on the fridge
  • Rainbow words (with coloured pencils or textas)
  • Look for words in different books around the home
  • Write them on post it notes and stick around the room for them to find and pull off and read
  • Make simple word cards and flip over to make a memory game

Pinterest has lots more examples of creative ways you can learn words.

Word Games

  • Snap – write out two sets of cards. Shuffle cards and deal them out to players. Take turns to turn a card over. When two words are the same say ‘snap’ then if you were first to say snap you keep the pile.
  • Memory – Use two set of words cards again. Put all cards down upside down. Turn over 2 cards at a time trying to find the matching pair. Keep the pair if you get it right. If not turn them over and try and remember where they were.
  • Board game – Can you make a board game like ‘snakes and ladders’ with your words.
  • Hide and Seek with the words around the house.
  • Look for the words in your books.
  • Torch game OR Nerf Gun – on post it notes write the words and stick them on the walls. Shine the torch or shoot with nerf gun – saying the word at the same time.

Word List:
































Thursday, term 1, Week 11

Welcome to Thursday.


Daily Routine:

Snapshot of Learning:

Numeracy: Today, we explored different investigations involving addition. After our investigation session, we played a game with a partner. The students had to work out how many cubes were under a cup hidden by their partner (There were 10 cubes in total).

Technologies- Today we used scissors, glue and paper to do some paper weaving. Here are the students’ creations:

Congratulation to Fynn for completing 50 night readings! 🙂 

See you tomorrow 🙂

Wednesday – Week 11 – Term 1

Welcome to another wonderful warm Wednesday

Celebrating 25 and 50 nights of reading – Well done Anna

Come Read with Me

The children have been building up their reading stamina this term, independently or with a friend. This continues to be a wonderful way to start with day as the children connect with their friends through conversation and literacy.

Our Calendar

Everyday we talk about the information we can read from the calendar.

Here are some of our comments today.

Avelyn: Yesterday was Easter

Luciano: It is not someone’s birthday.

Kunal: Today is Wednesday

Ryder: Today is Wednesday.

Joel: Yesterday was Tuesday and today is Wednesday.

Tanvi: Tomorrow is Thursday.

Our Learning

Shared Text

Word Study – Letter – F f

Letter Ff – during this time we explored:

  • Formation
  • Word building
  • Writing stamina
  • Sentence structure
  • Sound recognition


Task: As a group talk about places that are special (places such as the beach, the park, rivers and mountains). Students record using pictures and words a place that is special to them, why it is special and how they can look after this place.

ACARA:The reasons why some places are special to people, and how they can be looked after (ACHASSK017)

Special Places

Mountains (Kunal)

It is special because we find some snow.

You can climb up. (Tanvi)

You can find stuff there (Rozy)

YOU can find different nature (Olivia)

Mt Crawford because it has a nature environment, we go hiking and we try and catch butterflies (Mason)

It has awesome things and you can actually climb up and see the whole world (Joel)

You can see a whole city from a big mountain (Harper)

Looking up on a mountain because I like mountains are fun (Kayden)


Beach (Reid)

You can find shells (Eva)

You can make castles (Avelyn)

You can play in water (Ryder)

You can have a walk there (Rozy)

They have shells (Jon)

The have water (Kevin)

You can swim in the water with a safety jacket (Joel)

They have fresh water (Henry)

The beach has sand (Aman)

Because we get to take some sea shells to you house (Ellie)


You can slide down the slide (Eva)

Because it is fun (Roman)

You can play (Quan)

You can play with your friends (Mason)

The parks have holes you can go through (Oscar)


How can we look after them?

Andreas: Don’t break the stuff

Helena: By not keeping it dirty.

Tanvi: Do not litter.

Aria: By not being rough with it.

Malilka: We can clean it.

Joel: We could help animals if they get stuck inside rubbish.

Mason: By planting new seeds for new trees.



Play Investigations

A time for exploring the learning disposition of…

  • Communication
  • Creativity
  • Collaboration
  • Problem Solving

During play investigations the teachers were busy listening to reading. The teachers are very proud of everyone – amazing reading progress this term – keep up the great reading everyone.

Have a lovely night – see you tomorrow.

Michelle and Paul

Tuesday, Term 1, Week 11

Welcome to Tuesday, week 11. We hope you had a fantastic Easter with your families.


Daily Routine:

Snapshot of Learning:

Word Study- Today we looked at the letter Ll. We practised writing the letter and then wrote some words beginning with the letter Ll. We then wrote some  simple sentences, using words beginning with the letter Ll. Students were reminded to put in finger spaces between each word in the sentences.

Congratulations to Oscar and Joel who have completed 50 nights of reading. Well done boys and keep up the good work!

Please bring in library books tomorrow as we will be going to the library to borrow new books tomorrow, as the library will be closed on Friday.

Have a great evening and see you tomorrow. 🙂


Thursday, Term 1, Week 10

Welcome to Thursday.


Daily Routine:

Snapshot of Learning:

Numeracy- Today we had a discussion about the season of autumn. We spoke about which months autumn falls in and especially what we see happening to the trees. Here are our autumn pictures:

Technologies- We spoke about how sticky tape can be folded around on itself to become like a double sided tape. We used this concept in our making today.



We hope you have a safe and happy Easter and we will see you on Tuesday. 🙂