Week 5- Term 3

Reading Achievements-

Congratulations to Matilda for completing 50 nights of reading! Well done!

Congratulations to Ojasvi for completing 75 nights of reading! Well done!

Congratulations to Anthony for completing 75 nights of reading! Well done!

Congratulations to Riya for completing 125 nights of reading! Well done!

Congratulations to Sofia for completing 175 nights of reading! Well done!

Congratulations to Ceara for completing 175 nights of reading! Well done!

Congratulations to Kabir for completing 200 nights of reading! Well done!

Congratulations to Hudson for completing 200 nights of reading! Well done!

Word Study- The students are continuing to be brave spellers and are ‘having a go’ at writing their own sentences.

Book making- During book making sessions the students have been writing books that are organised in a particular way. Some books we have been looking at are organised  by colour, by number and by the alphabet.


Science- We read the story, “Big Rain Coming”. Afterwards we shared what we like to do when it is raining. The students then created their own picture of themselves doing what they like to do in the rain.


Book Week Dress Up- The students had so much fun being their characters. They illustrated themselves in their costumes.

Have a great weekend and we will see you on Monday.

Paul and Michelle



Week 4 Term 3

Week 4 learning highlights

Celebrating reading

Congratulations Ayush for achieving 125 nights of reading – well done.

Congratulations Emily for achieving 100 nights of reading – well done.

Word Study

Letter Mm and Letter Dd

  • Letter formation
  • Initial sounds
  • Word building
  • Constructing a sentence.
  • Building stamina during writing tasks
  • Comprehension – representing a text using a visual picture

Numeracy – Shortest to Tallest

Exploring measurement: The students drew their families in height order.

Play Investigations

  • Social interactions
  • Communication
  • Problem solving
  • Creativity
  • Leadership
  • Collaboration


We began our discussion by asking the students if they had been or heard of the River Murray. Then we looked at a map which showed the River Murray.

Then we read the Dreaming Story – ‘Ponde” – How the river Murray was created?

The first of these Murray River creation stories involves Ponde, the Murray Cod, and the ancestral hero Ngurunderi, with the essential elements as follows:

“a huge Murray cod [Ponde] … chased by a great hunter [Ngurunderi], thrashed along the channel, forming the bends, reaches and billabongs of the river. When the great fish was speared at Lake Alexandrina, the hunter threw pieces of the cod back into the water, naming them for the fish they would become; golden perch, bony bream, silver perch and so on. When he finished he threw the remainder back and said, ‘You keep on being ponde’. (Wahlquist 2005, p. 40)”

After we shared the story we created our own River Murray full of fish.

Numeracy – comparing length

The students worked in pairs, each tracing around their partner’s foot. Then they measured their foot using centi-cubes. Then they compared the length and wrote a sentence about their measuring.

Rhyme Time

‘og’ words.

After we shared a rhyme and story we made a list of ‘og’ words.

Then we created a visual representation of our learning: A frog and a dog on a log.

Have a wonderful weekend.

See you on Monday,

Michelle and Paul

Week 3 – Term 3

******* Reminder: Monday, 15th August, is a Pupil Free Day. *********

What a week in RPN and RMR!

Reading achievements-

Congratulations to Hudson who achieved 175 nights of reading! Well done!

Congratulations to Riley who achieved 150 nights of reading! Well done!

Congratulations to Soliana who achieved 100 nights of reading! Well done!

Congratulations to Leonardo who achieved 50 nights of reading! Well done!

Word Study- This term, during word study time, the students have used their character strengths of bravery and creativity, to be a brave speller and create their own sentences.

Mathematics-This week, the students have been learning about length in measurement. For this activity, the students had to compare strips of paper and classify them as shorter and longer.

Health- During health, the students discussed their families. They realised that all families are different and unique. The students drew themselves doing an activity that they love doing, with their family.

Science- This week in science, we spoke about different weather symbols that are used to help show what the weather will be like each day. We looked at the weather forecast on the Internet. The students then created their own weather symbols.

HASS- We read and listened to the Dreaming story of ‘Thukeri’, as told by the Ngarrindjerri people. The students created their own thukeri, using oil pastels.

RMR Buddy Assembly-Well done to RMR and 5/6 NA for a wonderful assembly. Here are photos of the presentation:


Have a great weekend and we will see you on Tuesday.

Paul and Michelle





Week 2 – Term 3

Welcome to Week 2

Important Dates: RMR and 5/6NA Buddy Assembly- Friday 12th August, 9am in the Hall.

Celebrating Reading

Congratulations Kabir for achieving 175 nights of reading. Well Done

Congratulations Ayush for achieving 100 nights of reading. Well Done

Congratulations Hainbal for achieving 125 nights of reading. Well Done

Congratulations Annika for achieving 125 nights of reading. Well Done

Congratulations Rubi for achieving 175 nights of reading. Well Done

Days of the week

What day is it today? What day is it tomorrow? What day was it yesterday?


 Letter and sound focus

High Frequency Words

Blending Sounds

Word Study

Letter name and sound focus

Letter – Tt – Our learning includes:

  • Letter formation
  • Sound identification
  • Word building
  • How to construct a sentence


Letter – Pp  – Our learning includes:

  • Letter formation
  • Sound identification
  • Word building
  • How to construct a sentence

Book Making

Mentor text: Brown Bear

Focus Study: Different ways of organising books.

As part of our focus study we created a list of different ways to organise books, they included:

  • Colours
  • Animals
  • I can see..
  • I like….
  • Feelings

Some students are beginning to use this format during book making.


Counting to 20

Today we collected objects to make a counting book. – We took a photo of these collections and then we will use the photos to construct a book.

Addition – rolling two dice and adding the numbers together.

One is a snail, ten is a crab


Drawing the animals from the story and counting how many legs they have.


Parts of our body – drawing ourselves and labeling


After sharing the book “Welcome to Country” by Aunty Joy Murphy we discussed the similarities and differences to the Kaurna Acknowledgement that they have heard in assembly

We created our own Kaurna acknowledgement. Students then drew their own picture to go with the words of the acknowledgment.

Here is the land, here is the sky.
Here are my friends and here am I.
We thank the Kaurna people for the land

On which we  play and learn

Hands up, hands down
We’re on Kaurna ground.

Rhyme Time

Star light

Star Bright

How to draw a star:

Drawing a picture to represent the rhyme:

R PN and 5/6 NB Assembly

We are so proud of R PN and their buddies – the assembly was wonderful, full of bravery, creativity, learning and fun.

Have a wonderful weekend

Michelle and Paul