Week 10 Term 3

Our last post for Term 3. Wow where is the year going…

What a fantastic term of learning. We are very proud of our community of learning; the risks they take with their learning, the growth they are showing, the kindness they share and the fun they are having, all comes to together to make a wonderful learning environment.

Reading Celebrations

Congratulations Riley for achieving 200 nights of reading – well done.

Congratulations Hainbal for achieving 175 nights of reading – well done.

Congratulations Allison for achieving 125 nights of reading – well done.

Congratulations Riya for achieving 175 nights of reading – well done.

Word Study

  • Letter formation
  • Letter sounds and word building
  • Building a sentence
  • Comprehension


Booking Making

Sharing our favourite page:


Dreaming Story: How the birds got their colours.


Ladybug problem solving task.

There are ladybugs with 7 spots and ladybugs with 4 spots. If there are 3 bugs on a leaf, how many spots could they have altogether?


Sports Day

What a wonderful way to finish off the term with our sports day and colour run. So much fun and laughter.

Have a wonderful holiday – remember to keep reading.

See you next term,

Michelle and Paul

Week 9 Term 3

Reading Achievements-

Congratulations to Ceara for completing 200 nights of reading! Well done!

Congratulations to Sofia for completing 200 nights of reading! Well done!

Congratulations to Leonardo for completing 75 nights of reading! Well done!

Reading- Every morning, the students come in and read. We have seen so much growth with the students’ reading skills throughout the year.

Word Study- It is wonderful to see the students being brave spellers during our word study time.

Book making- The students continued to create information books. We spoke about adding labels to their pictures this week.

Mathematics- The students made their own clocks. We explored o’clock times, where the long (minute) hand is pointing at the 12.

Mathematics- The students are developing their addition skills. They rolled the dice and recorded the addition sums in their books. We demonstrated the skill of counting on when adding.


Science- This week we discussed the different clothes people wear on hot summer days and cold winter days.

Have a great weekend and we will see you on Monday.

Paul and Michelle



Week 8 Term 3

Dear Families,

Holy Family’s Sports Day for 2022 will be held on Friday 30 September (week 10, term 3) on the school oval.

Students are allocated to one of the Houses listed below:

St Mary MacKillop – Black

Mrs Rodgers

  • Matilda
  • Aiden
  • Jamie
  • Kimying
  • Kobi
  • Ruby
  • Emily
  • Mason

Mr Norris

  • Eva
  • Zechariah
  • Wyatt
  • Chase

St Pope John Paul II – Red

Mrs Rodgers

  • Anyar
  • Clarisa
  • Ceara
  • Anthony
  • Emmanuel
  • Elden
  • Nathaniel

Mr Norris

  • Riya
  • Mattia
  • Kur
  • Rubi
  • Sebastian
  • Hainbal
  • Leonardo
  • Jaylah
  • Soliana
  • Ava
  • Hudson
  • Allison
  • Konrad
  • Ojasvi

St Vincent de Paul – Cream

Mrs Rodgers

  • Ayush
  • Annika
  • Jennifer
  • Harry
  • Dana
  • Kabir
  • An Moc
  • Genevieve

Mr Norris

  • Agam
  • Aahil
  • Anaira
  • Riley
  • Sofia

School will commence at the normal time of 8.50am and finish at 3pm.  Students will need to wear their sports uniform but may wear a coloured shirt for their sports house.

The program shown below will be run in stages with classes returning to their classrooms for their normal lessons when not required to be at the oval.  Families are welcome to attend to watch their child participate.

If you are a registered volunteer and able to assist the class teacher with the Sports Day activities, please advise your child’s teacher.

This term, we are hosting a Colour Splatacular School Fun Run to raise money for a very important project. As you know, we have a special focus on Ecology and Sustainability in our school. Accordingly, we are seeking to boost our Library Resources by purchasing 1000 books on Ecology and food production for our Curiosity Library. The Colour Run will take place on the oval after lunch. On the day, make sure your child brings a white or old tshirt for the Fun Run! Participating students will be covered in non-toxic, high quality colour powder and ooey gooey slime from head to toe!

The Canteen will be open on Sports Day with the available menu shown below.  Please order at the canteen or through the Qkr app.  Parents attending Sports Day are welcome to make purchases from the canteen.

Welcome to Week 8

A snapshot of our learning this week.

Celebrating Reading

Congratulations Rubi for achieving 15o nights of reading – well done.

Congratulations Ayush for achieving 15o nights of reading – well done.

Congratulations Ojasvi for achieving 100 nights of reading – well done


Word Study

Exploring the Letters ‘Rr’ and ‘Hh’ this week.


  • Letter formation
  • Phonemic awareness – sounds in words
  • Word building
  • Sentence construction
  • Punctuation

Book Making

  • Learning about information books
  • Adding a title and headings
  • Adding page numbers to our books
  • Teaching the reader about our topic
  • Being a brave speller


  • Working together with a partner
  • Building upon our IT skills
  • Exploring numeracy concepts, such as telling O’clock time
  • Problem solving


  • Time to borrow some new books to read
  • Sharing books with friends

Rhyme time – Here is a beehive

  • Singing the rhyme
  • Building the sentences of the rhyme
  • Collaborating with a partner


The Lost Sheep : Luke 15 3-6

After we shared the parable of the Lost sheep we created our own sheep.

Have a great weekend

Michelle and Paul

Week 7- Term 3

Reading Achievements-

Congratulations to Kimying for achieving 50 nights of reading ! Well done!

Congratulations to Annika for achieving 150 nights of reading ! Well done!


Word Study- The students developing their sentence writing:


Mathematics- This week we have been looking at the days of the week, which days are the weekdays and which days are the weekend. For this activity, the students drew things that they do on the different weekdays.


Book Making- The students creating information books:


Science- In science we spoke about windy days. The students made some wind chimes in the MUDLA.


Technologies- For technologies we continued our learning about food. The students surveyed the class about their favourite foods. They then graphed the results.


Moon Lantern Festival Assembly- Today we celebrated the Moon Lantern Festival. Congratulations to Sofia and Elden who received prizes for their lanterns.


Have a great weekend and we will see you on Monday.

Paul and Michelle.


Week 6 Term 3

Welcome to Week 6

Learning Highlights

Celebrating Reading

Congratulations Hainbal for achieving 150 nights of reading – well done.

Congratulations Eva for achieving 175 nights of reading – well done.

Congratulations Jaylah for achieving 100 nights of reading – well done.

Congratulations Riley for achieving 175 nights of reading – well done

Letter ‘Cc’ and Letter ‘Kk’

It is wonderful to see the students stamina for learning increase and also how brave they are at writing their own sentences.


  • Letter formation
  • Word Building
  • Sound recognition
  • Sentence construction
  • Reading comprehension


One of the tasks this week: Exploring Balance Scales – Weight

We has lots of fun finding things around the room to compare their weight using the balance scales. As we explored weight this week we used words such as heavy, light, heavier and lighter.

Book Making

Information Books

We have begun to explore information books during book making. An information book is a book that teaches you something. We are looking forward to reading the information books the students create about a topic of interest.

Moon Lantern Festival

This week we have been busy creating Moon Lanterns – ready for the judging next Tuesday and the assembly next Friday.

The students demonstrated wonderful creativity, persistence and collaboration during this task.

This weekend it is time to celebrate all the male roles models we have in our lives who love, care and teach us. We were busy on Friday making a surprise for these special people in our lives.

We hope all the Pa, Grandpas, uncles, dads, brothers, step dads have a wonderful day on Sunday and we thank you for all you do for us.

Have a great weekend – See you on Monday

Michelle and Paul