Week 2 – Term 4

Welcome to Week 2

Snapshot of our learning this week.

Word study

  • Letter recognition
  • Sound association
  • Word Building
  • Copying a sentence
  • Constructing a sentence
  • Text comprehension  – illustrations

Book Making

Spotlight study: Stories from our lives

Numeracy – (This week)

  • Ordering numbers
  • Counting on
  • Addition
  • Number problem solving tasks

Diwali Celebrations this week

  • What a wonderful week of Diwali celebrations (including making Diya, Assembly presentation, colouring rangoli and paper folding activities.


  • Planning a superhero
  • Labeling the plan
  • Creating the superhero from the plan (using a spoon, paper, stickers and pop sticks)

Have a wonderful weekend.

See you on Monday

Michelle and Paul

Week 1, Term 4

Welcome back to Term 4. The students were very excited to see each other and talked lots about what they did in the holidays.

Reading achievements-

Congratulations to Ayush for completing 175 nights of reading! Well done!

Congratulations to Eva for completing 200 nights of reading! Well done!

Congratulations to Hainbal for completing 200 nights of reading! Well done!


Word Study- This term, we will be encouraging the students to continue to be brave spellers during our word study time. We have seen such growth with the students’ writing skills since the start of the year.

Bookmaking- This week, we started the topic, “Stories From Our Lives”. We had discussions about activities the students did in the holidays, and activities they have done in the past. This is what they could base their books on.

Story Play- The students being creative and communicating through story play.

Mathematics-This task was a problem solving task. The students had to create their own zoo with animals with legs that added up to 20 in total. Here is the students’ learning:

Science- This term, we are looking at the concept of forces and the way objects move. Today, we talked about how some objects can move by rolling. We created a class book about objects that can roll.

Technologies-Here are the designs of the superheroes that the students will be making next week.

Have a great weekend and we hope to see you at the Spring Fair on Sunday!

Paul and Michelle



Hello All,

This weekend, Holy Family Catholic School will present the 2022 Spring Fair.

This is the 20th Spring Fair, subsuming our 40th Birthday as a school having been established in 1981.

When you come to the Fair you will see parents, staff and leaders working side by side. You will see the diversity and talent of our people in action.

The purpose of the Spring Fair is to demonstrate to our children that our community can achieve anything it puts its mind to. Our children are capable and talented. 


If YOU can spare an hour to help set up come to the school on Saturday morning at 9.30am.

Bring the kids!

Free BBQ at 11am.

If you can help on Sunday simply turn up to a stall at any time between 11am and 8pm and offer to help.

We would love to see you there!

Paul and Michelle