Term 4 – Week 4

Learning Highlights for Week 4

Celebrating Reading

Congratulations Annika for achieving  175 nights of reading – well done.

Congratulations Sebastian for achieving 25 nights of reading – well done.

Congratulations Anthony for achieving 100 nights of reading – well done.

Congratulations Ojasvi for achieving 125 nights of reading – well done.

Word Study

  • Letter formation
  • Blending sounds
  • Building words
  • Constructing a sentence


This week we constructed our robots (which we planned last week)


Exploring capacity

  • Exploring the descriptive language and concept of full, half full and empty.
  • Filling, counting, comparing, ordering

Who sank the boat – capacity exploration


Designing an object to make from play dough – then constructing the object.

  1. Plan
  2. Create
  3. Reflect


Christmas and Advent are special times in the Church year. Today we made advent wreaths

Have a lovely weekend – see you on Monday

Michelle and Paul

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