Week 4

Hello RTH & RLY Families,

We have reached the end of the fourth week and have officially completed the first month of school for the year! Everyone has become comfortable in the classroom space, the people around them and the expectations being set. We are continuing to build our relationships and delve deeper into the curriculum once again.


This week we focused on the graphemes and phonemes of ‘Ii’ and ‘Mm’. Through the other graphemes and phonemes, we have learnt over the past three weeks we were able to remain consistent with our focus on CVC words. We focused on words such as ‘mat’, ‘sit’, ‘tip’ and so forth. The continued with a focus on syllables and rhyming also, to build further literacy knowledge. We engaged in bookmaking where students continued to write their books, focusing on ensuring each page is used, re-reading work and so on. Lastly, we continued with our playful literacy where we read, write, and engage in play together.


We worked towards counting from 0-20 this week, focusing on ensuring we are counting in correct order, recognising correlating amounts with number names, and counting backwards. We did this by creating our own number lines, number cards, playing number-based games, engaging in number-based stories and numeral display pictures to recognise numbers and the amounts within a number. We continued with our numeracy play to promote the recognition of numbers and to engage in play with others.

Play Inquiry:

Students continued with their play inquiry each morning, supporting the transition into the classroom, and supporting the growing connections within the class. We have had a strong focus on ensuring play inquiry is meaningful and has connections to their other learning areas.


We have continued to water the grass heads and are continuing to monitor them every morning to see if there are any changes in the growth. We have documented this through capturing the growth in the students learning journals and will continue to update this as changes occur.


We spoke about our strengths and how we can share strengths and have personal strengths. After discussion we drew our strengths in our books.


This week we had a focus on the importance of our names and spoke about how our name makes us who we are. We then coloured in a mindfulness name sheet, individualised to each student with their name.


We focused on Jesus’ love through caring relationships and shared our own personal relationships such as family and friends. We then made a popstick house where the students drew their families in the house.

Important Information:


  • We have a belonging photo wall of students with their families where we are slowly growing our photos of children with their families. We ask that you bring in a photo or email a photo of your child and their family for our belonging wall with some information about you all.


  • RTH & RLY has an assembly in week 7. We are focusing on the diversity that Holy Family encompasses. For our assembly, we were hoping that either RTH & RLY teachers could record the students discussing their culture if permitted or if families could send in a video of their child discussing their culture and one of their favourite things about their culture as the compilation of videos will be shared within our assembly.

We can’t wait to see you in week five!

Ms. Yeend and Ms. Tiana

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