Hello RTH & RLY Families,
As we reach the end of week 6, we have continued to grow with our buddies in the upper primary classes. Buddies often come to help us prepare for our assembly that will be happening next week!
This week we focused on the graphemes and phonemes of ‘Gg’ and ‘Oo’. We reflected on our past graphemes and phonemes to help us continue blending sounds to make CVC words. We were able to reflect on our weekly poem to support the understandings of our graphemes and phonemes, along with support the ability to rhyme. We worked towards the high frequency word ‘that’ and reflected on the previous weeks word of ‘the’ to support our reading and spelling in class.
We engaged in our last week’s focus on numbers for the term and solidified our understandings of counting both forwards and backwards, this was done through hands on tasks. Along with this we worked on conservation, one-to-one correspondence and subitising. We engaged in activities such as playdough counting, ‘how many pieces of pasta’ and then moved on to counting amounts of money. Throughout the numeracy play time, used to solidify understandings that are taught during lessons; we were able to complete the maths assessments for counting in term one! We are excited to start a new topic next week!
Play Inquiry:
Students continued with their play inquiry each morning, supporting the transition into the classroom, and supporting the growing connections within the class. We have had a strong focus on ensuring play inquiry is meaningful and has connections to their other learning areas.
We integrated technologies and literacy again, having RTH film their friends reading their books during book making and also allowed students to explore the ‘draw and tell’ application to further understand the technology provided.
Within science we continued our focus on living things and begun an. Observations/investigation about an animal of their choice from the MUDLA. We will create a piece of work over the coming weeks showcasing what their chosen animal needs to survive.
This week we focused on our home through a larger lens. We looked at the world map and was able to distinguish that we are currently situated in Australia and then were able to discuss the varying cultures in our class.
We spoke about safety signs and the importance of understanding safety signs either at home, at school, on the road and so forth. We went for a walk around the school and were on the lookout for safety signs, we were able to find many safety signs around the school. We then came back to class and painted a safety sign of the student’s choice.
We looked at the importance of the sign of the Cross and make connections on the relationship between this sign and prayer.
Our assembly is next week from 9:00AM-9:40AM on Friday the 15th of March. We invite families to come and view RTH & RLY’s first assembly for the year in the hall.
RTH & RLY has an assembly in week 7. We are focusing on the diversity that Holy Family encompasses. For our assembly, we were hoping that either RTH & RLY teachers could record the students discussing their culture if permitted or if families could send in a video of their child discussing their culture and one of their favourite things about their culture as the compilation of videos will be shared within our assembly.