RTH & RLY Learning Update – Week 8

Hello RTH & RLY Families,

We have reached the end of week 8 and have had a learning filled week where we have strengthened our knowledge and learnt new things!


Throughout week 8 RTH and RLY have learnt the graphemes and phonemes of ‘Cc’ and ‘Rr’. We continuously reflect on our previous phonemes and graphemes from previous weeks to strengthen our understandings to continue to make CVC words. We have focused on the use of vowels in CVC words also. We have continued to rhyme, clap syllables and blend words to build our literary knowledge. Lastly, we have been focusing on our high frequency words once again with a focus on last week’s word of ‘that’ and this week’s word: ‘to’.


We continued our work with shapes and have begun to focus on how shapes are all around us. This was done through going on a ‘shape nature hunt’ to see what shapes we could discover around the school, along with a shape hunt in the classroom; and lastly, we did shape stations. Our shape stations allowed students to work with and play with shapes to strengthen their understandings of shapes.

Play Inquiry:

Students engaged in play inquiry each morning, with a strong focus on our literacy work. This supported students’ relationships in the classroom and connected with the focus on CVC words, our graphemes and phonemes of the week and building a love of reading through the use of books.


This week we continued our living things focus through looking further into the habitats of their chosen animal from the previous week. We were able to individually take photos of the animals chosen in their habitat, where we were able to reflect on our ability to understand habitats and the technological ability of taking clear and precise photos through placing the photos taken on a slideshow. We then reflected on each photo as a class.

We then engaged in drawing what plants need to live, focusing on details such as: water, air, sun etc.


This week we combined HaSS and art due to it being Harmony Week this week. We discussed the importance of Harmony Week and the values it holds. We strengthened our understandings through doing Harmony Week questions where we were able to discover differences between people, along with similarities. We finished this lesson off with having the whole class stick their handprint in a heart shape to show that everyone belongs.


We spoke about risk taking through what risks look like, feel like and sound like. We then drew risks in our books.


This week we created a door craft with our buddy class for Palm Sunday. We were able to discover what Palm Sunday is and why Palm Sunday is important.

Quick Reminder:

If you are running late to pick your child up, we please ask you ring the front office so they can contact us to let us know. That way we can take the student to the office as class ends at 3pm each day.

Thankyou for your continuing support!

Ms. Tiana & Ms. Yeend



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