RLY and RTH – Learning update – Week 2, Term 2, 2024

Welcome to the end of term 2!

This week we explored…


Continuing with our spotlight focus for bookmaking on Mo Willems, we looked at drawing Elephant and Piggie! We then used this knowledge, and the understanding of the different literary conventions Mo Willems uses in his books to put them into action in our own! We’re even starting to add words to our books that make sense to the ready with the illustrations!

We learnt a new letter/sound: Ww. We added a new heart word to our list: She/she. Then we used our new heart word and the letter W to write sentences together in our English books and illustrate them.


We completed our unit of work on patterning this week and now know what the core is of a pattern, what an AB, ABC, AABB, AAB and ABB patterns are! Next week we will start our new unit of work on part-whole operations, looking at addition and subtraction.


We learnt about our rights as humans and special rights as children – please feel free to talk with your children about these – they are the 12 rights of the child, and guess what? One of their rights is to PLAY!


We learnt about who is in our community and the different types of communities we are a part of.


Continuing from our learning last week about how objects move, we explored how our bodies move! We did this through a game with flash cards where we had to make our bodies move in the way that the person in the picture is!


This week we learnt about Pentecost. We learnt that Pentecost took place after Jesus had died and was raised to new life by God and returned to heaven, leaving the disciples on their own.


We continued our learning about drawing on the iPads and used this to retell the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.

We look forward to seeing you all return for Week 3!

Ms. Yeend and Ms. Tiana.


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