Learning Reflection – RLY & RTH – Week 4, Term 2, 2024.

Hello RTH & RLY families,

This week felt a little bit busy! Unfortunately Ms. Yeend was away sick from Tuesday to Thursday which meant RLY was lucky to have a few different teachers! Here is a brief update about what we got up to…


This week we looked at the new graphemes and phonemes of ‘Yy’ & ‘Xx’. We practiced these letters and used them in CVC words to deepen our understandings. The new word of ‘you’ was introduced this week and was added to our heart word list. We became letter investigators and sorted words containing the letter ‘y’ followed by searching for them in books we read in class.

We also continued with our author focus of Mo Williems, we have now looked at all his major stories and are able to break down different ideas as a class to put into our own books. This looks like: extended speech bubbles, extra movement lines and much more.


This week we moved on to part-whole operations, with the focus on addition and subtraction. We did this by focusing on sums up to ten to help solidify understandings. As a class we did various addition and subtraction sums both written and through play. We also looked at addition using our fingers and how to use a ten frame to help us solve equations.


This week we looked at what a relationship circles is and who we would have in ours. We then created our own version of a relationship circle and discussed the important and safe people in our lives.


In the lead up to interviewing a family member as a part of HaSS, we looked at what interviews are, what kinds of questions are usually asked and why people do them.


Continuing on from our previous learning in Science about how things move, we investigated items that roll and don’t roll. We posed wonderings and hypothesised as well as justified our ideas using scientific vocabulary.


We watched a video containing a lot of information about Catholic history and then did a group brainstorm after the video to talk about the prominent Catholic history we know of what we learnt about in the video. We then chose one part of Catholic history and drew that in our learning journals.


This week we continued our learning about drawing on the iPads with a focus on ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’, focusing on a specific page that we had to recreate.


Try At Home Books

This week we have attached a new focus on our ‘try at home books’, with new letters and words to focus on through the next few weeks. These books are just for casual reading with your children if you have the time and they want to, however don’t feel like you need to, we do so much in class! It’s really just an opportunity for your children to share their learning with you. You don’t need to add anything to/write in these books!

Crows Kickstart

Each Tuesday from 3:30-4:30 the Adelaide Crows Football Club are doing a kickstart program each week to help students build their football skills. This is free for families once registered if you choose to do so.

Mission Day:

Next Friday is Mission Day! We will be hosting a lucky dip stall in the Piazza and you are welcome to join you children from 1:30pm. Here are some helpful details:

  • Students will only be able to use tokens to purchase items and participate in the activities, as we do not take money at the stalls.  The purchase of tokens will be available on Friday 31 May from the class teachers or by pre-purchasing the tokens through the QKR! App (this is our preferred option).
  • Tokens are available in 10c portions with a page of tokens costing $5.
  • All money raised for Mission Week will go to St Vincent de Paul, Catherine House and Catholic Charities.
  • We will also be asking families to bring in a can of soup/non-perishable food to donate to Fred’s Van.
  • N.B. Students are to be in SCHOOL UNIFORM on Mission Day.

We look forward to seeing you for Week 5 and hope you have a wonderful weekend with your loved ones!

Ms. Yeend and Ms. Tiana.

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