Learning Reflection – Week 2, Term 3, 2024

Welcome to the end of Week 2, RTH & RLY families,

Here’s a little review of what we did in class this week…


This week we reflected on our previous learning of graphemes and phonemes. We looked at onset and rime, focusing on the way sounds and letters can create a word. This is helping put our previous learnings into practice. In book making, we are looking at different types of books we can make, with our first focus on nursery rhymes and information texts. We’re exploring the different literary conventions of a narrative versus an information text.


This week we began our focus on numbers to 100, with reflection on numbers to 20. This allowed us to represent numbers, write numerals, use number lines, use ten frames, compare numbers, create art based around numbers and apply them in everyday use throughout the school.


In health, we focused on hygiene and self-care.


In religion this week, we explored the Bible as a sacred text.


This week, we looked at recognising and recording features of familiar places. Focusing on what we see, touch and hear; helping us connect with our senses.


In Design we explored how brands use eye catching logos to sell their products, we then moved on to Arts where we used the flags of the countries in the Olympic Games and brainstormed how we could design our own flag that would be eye catching. With our theme being the Olympic Games for this integrated unit for the term across the two learning areas, we started watching races and events which was very fun and engaging!


This week in science, we tied HASS to science and focused on using our senses to look, feel and behave. We looked at things such as liquids, fabrics, elastics and soft/hard items.

We have had such a great start to this term and look forward to what awaits!


Try At Home Books

We have our ‘try at home books’, with this week’s letters and words to focus on through the next week. These books are just for casual reading with your children if you have the time and they want to, however don’t feel like you need to, we do so much in class! It’s just an opportunity for your children to share their learning with you. You don’t need to add anything to/write in these books!

Book Week

Book Week is in week 5 of this term, due to the Friday of week 5 being a pupil free day, HFCS will celebrate Book Week on the Thursday of week 5. The theme for this year is “Reading is Magic”, where you will be able to showcase your costumes after our 9AM assembly, with a costume parade. We can’t wait to see everyone dressed up!

Ms. Tiana & Ms. Yeend

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