Hello RTH & RLY Families,
Welcome to the end of week 3!
Unfortunately, not only Ms. Tiana and Ms. Yeend had caught the flu this week but as did many of the students in RTH and RLY. Therefore, there may not be as many photos this week due to our absence and student absence.
Please ensure if your child is feeling unwell to keep them home as Influenza is making its way throughout the class currently.
This week we looked at the diagraphs of ‘ck’ and ‘ff’, looking at how these sounds are used in words, creating words with these sounds, rhyming words with these sounds and creating sentences incorporating these sounds. We also had an intentional focus on shared reading, focusing on titles, characters, techniques used and much more. In bookmaking, we looked at different picture books reflecting on our shared reading and implementing those ideas into our own texts.
In maths, we continued on our numbers to 20, looking at number lines, identifying one more or one less in a group, comparing and ordering numbers; along with an art activity to help solidify our understandings of numbers to 20. This will help support us to continue to count past twenty, slowly moving up to 100!
In health, we looked at out five senses again and out them to use by taking a walk around the school and talking about things we can see, touch, taste, hear and smell.
This week in religion we looked at how God shows love through Bible stories. We then drew a picture of how we could show or share love in our own way.
In HaSS, we continued with our focus on features and looked at describing different places through shapes and colour, along with grouping different features by their colour.
This week we continued with our focus on the Olympics and created our own sport arenas after having a brainstorm together as a class, focusing on details such as: pools needing lanes, diving boards, seats for spectators etc.
In science, we continued to look at different materials and how different objects are made from different materials. We did this by going on a material hunt around the school/class.
Try At Home Books
We have our ‘try at home books’, with this week’s letters and words to focus on through the next week. These books are just for casual reading with your children if you have the time and they want to, however don’t feel like you need to, we do so much in class! It’s just an opportunity for your children to share their learning with you. You don’t need to add anything to/write in these books!
Book Week
Book Week is in week 5 of this term, due to the Friday of week 5 being a pupil free day, HFCS will celebrate Book Week on the Thursday of week 5. The theme for this year is “Reading is Magic”, where you will be able to showcase your costumes after our 9AM assembly, with a costume parade. We can’t wait to see everyone dressed up!
RTH Assembly
RTH & their buddy class, 5KF have had their assembly moved to next Friday! We have been beginning to plan and prepare and wanted to extend an invitiation to families if they are able to come! The assembly will take place on the 16th of August at 9AM.
We hope everyone gets some rest over the weekend and is feeling better next week!
Ms. Tiana & Ms. Yeend