Week 7 – Learning Update

Hello RTH & RLY Families,

What a jam-packed week we had, here is what it looked like…



In word study this week we reflected on the ‘th’ digraph and then moved on to ‘ch’, figuring out different words that involve these digraphs, words that rhyme with these digraphs and implementing words with these digraphs into sentences. In bookmaking, we continued with our new spotlight of ‘information texts’, this involved talking about different topics, the different types of words we can use to share information and implementing double page spreads.



We continued with our part-whole operations this week, by connecting our addition and subtraction knowledge with different materials. This looked like adding and subtracting with number lines, number bonds, ten frames and through art.



In health this week we reflected on identifying different parts of our body, concepts of personal space/boundaries and the recognising of safe and unsafe secrets. We reflected through dances, story time, flashcards and discussions.



In religion this week we looked at celebrating faith, involving Easter, Christmas and so forth. Once gaining understandings on Catholic celebrations we created a celebration card based on the celebration of our choice.



In HaSS we began our assessment with drawing a bird’s eye view of log park that is accurate, along with naming the features that are in log park.



Throughout technologies we tied our HaSS assessment with our technologies assessment by beginning to design our own nature play area in log park.



We have tied our HaSS and technologies assessment with our art assessment and began to create a 3D model of our 2D design of log park.



In science this week we reflected on what is waterproof/not waterproof and then looked at magnetic materials and tested our magnets against different materials.




Reading at home:

Please don’t feel pressured to read with your children at home as we would like this to be a fun experience for you both however, if you are able to, it would support your children’s learning greatly if you could find some time to enjoy a picture book together or work on their readers.



We have children with anaphylaxis in our classrooms and Nutella poses a danger to their health. We are strictly a nut free environment so please be mindful of this when packing lunch boxes.


Ms. Yeend, Ms. Tiana and Ms. Tye

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