Week 1 – Learning Update

Hello RTH & RLY families,


Welcome to the beginning of term four, we are so excited for this last term together and are looking forward to what this term brings!



This week in word study we reflected on what a consonant is, what a vowel is and what a digraph is when beginning the term. We then learnt the /a/ sound, focusing on the use of ‘ai’ and ‘ay’ when spelling out words. We blended and segmented these words and then placed them into sentences. We also continued to learn new heart words, they were ‘do’, ‘did’ and ‘not’, looking at past and present tense. In bookmaking, we began a new focus on stories of our lives. Through this we will reflect on life events, celebrations, holidays and so forth to write about.



In mathematics, we have begun to look at measurement. We have learnt different core words to discuss measurement and have focused on the attributes of items when measuring them. This involved: ‘capacity’, ‘height’, ‘mass’ and so forth. We did this by making connections to real life and collected data within discovering different measurements.



Throughout technologies this week we looked at structures, discussed what structures are and looked at famous structures are around the world. We then created our own cylinder structure that had to be freestanding.



This week in art we explored First Nations Australian’s observations of external features of living things and how these are replicated through traditional dance. We then made head masks of animals.



In health, we reflected on our ability to remember and the importance of having good observation skills and remembering what we can during situations. We then reflected on the importance of remembering names, addresses and telephone numbers.



This week in HaSS, we looked at gaining understandings of country and place, along with its importance to First Nation Australians. We looked at where Holy Family is located and the importance of the location to the traditional custodians. We did this through looking at maps, drawing and having discussions.



In science, we talked about what a scientist is and what they do. We then learnt key science-based vocabulary and looked at different famous scientists from around the world.



In religion this week we focused on being mindful and understandings that nature is God’s gift for everyone. We started by practicing mindfulness and then went on a nature walk around the school and discussed what we can see and how we view God’s creations.



Reading at home:

Please don’t feel pressured to read with your children at home as we would like this to be a fun experience for you both however, if you are able to, it would support your children’s learning greatly if you could find some time to enjoy a picture book together or work on their readers.



We have children with anaphylaxis in our classrooms and Nutella poses a danger to their health. We are strictly a nut free environment so please be mindful of this when packing lunch boxes.


Have a great weekend,

Ms. Yeend & Ms. Tiana



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