Week 3 – Learning Update

Hello RTH & RLY Families,


We have had such a busy, learning filled week! So, let’s catch you up on what we have learnt:



This week in word study we looked at our last new sounds for the term, these were ‘ee’ and ‘-y’, both making an /e/ sound. We brainstormed different words with these sounds, created sentences with these sounds, blended words, segmented words and engaged in a poem with these sounds. We also looked at new heart words, these were ‘or’, ‘see’, ‘saw’. In bookmaking we looked at the difference of performing, writing, singing and so forth; with a focus of looking at the ways different cultures communicate their stories about their lives. This supported us to create detailed stories about our lives and wrap up the unit!



In mathematics, we looked at mass; discussing what mass is, why it is important and how understanding mass can support us. We spent the week comparing different masses, ordered and labelled differing masses, used balance scales to weigh mass and create mass-based crafts.



This week in technology we reflected on what a free-standing structure is and designed our own free-standing structure. We spoke about frame structures and focused on different shapes to support creating a structure. We then created the structure and reflected on our design compared to our creations.



In arts we focused on developing different skills to move our body to music. We practiced different dance moves and followed different card prompted ways to move our body.



This week in health we reflected on ‘what if…’ scenarios. This involved focusing on our protective strategies to keep themselves safe in various provided scenarios. We then practiced being assertive without using words, focusing on body language.



In religion this week, we spent our last week focusing on the nature that God provides, and we had to draw ways we can care for nature.



In HaSS we worked towards understanding Indigenous Connections to Country. This involved looking at an acknowledgement of country, Indigenous stories and then looked at places that are special to us and drew what place is special to us.\



This week we continued with our weather journals and reflected on our previous observations and discussed different types of weather.



Reading at home:

Please don’t feel pressured to read with your children at home as we would like this to be a fun experience for you both however, if you are able to, it would support your children’s learning greatly if you could find some time to enjoy a picture book together or work on their readers.


We have children with anaphylaxis in our classrooms and Nutella poses a danger to their health. We are strictly a nut free environment so please be mindful of this when packing lunch boxes.

See you in week 4,

Ms. Yeend & Ms. Tiana

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