Learning Reflection – RLY & RTH – Week 6, Term 4, 2024.

Hello RTH & RLY Families,


Welcome to the end of another awesome week together, here is what we got up to…



In word study this week we reviewed our digraphs, high frequency words, bases/suffixes, and sentence writing. We then started to explore plurals and how/when to use the ‘s’ or ‘es’ plural with words. We then began our word study assessment (the last one for the year!). In book making we continued with learning how to write to others, we look at cards and letters once again to do this. We worked on decorating the front of cards and then focused on thankyou cards, writing a thankyou card to another person in the class.



In mathematics this week, we focused on position and location and which language to use when describing where something is.



In technology we used our designs of the playground from last week and turned them into 3D models!



In arts this week, we continued to connect body movements to beats and created our own short motif; a few movements joined together. We made various different motifs and performed our understandings.



This week in health we looked at different strategies that help keep us safe, including saying no, remembering important details, going to safe places and so forth. We also looked at different ways to be resilient.



In religion, we learnt about the different seasons and colours of the Catholic Church as we approach the season of Advent. We learnt that this colour is Purple and signifies new beginnings.



This week in HaSS we had an incursion from Trent Hill which linked with our HaSS unit of learning on traditional places and how important they are.



In science this week, we concluded our unit of work on identifying and describing patterns in nature. We focused on weather, the patterns we have noticed in our weather journals and communicated our findings with others.



Reading at home:

Please don’t feel pressured to read with your children at home as we would like this to be a fun experience for you both however, if you are able to, it would support your children’s learning greatly if you could find some time to enjoy a picture book together or work on their readers.


We have children with anaphylaxis in our classrooms and Nutella poses a danger to their health. We are strictly a nut free environment so please be mindful of this when packing lunch boxes.

Pizza Party

We have been recycling our bottles and boxes this semester and are hoping to have a class pizza party at the end of the term with the money we raise from recycling. We are aware of student’s allergies in regards to food, but if there are any other food preferences within your family, please let us know.

Christmas Carols:

Christmas Carols will be held on Thursday 5th December 2024 from 6:30-8:00pm on the school oval. All children must be supervised by their families before and after their performance. Please bring a picnic rug and get ready to be festive with us! We’ve been practising really hard and are really in the Christmas spirit! Students are highly encouraged to wear Christmas clothes/colours for the event.

Free Triple P, Helping children manage anxiety seminar (for parents of children 0-12 years)
DATE: Monday 2nd December 2024

TIME: 9:00am or 2:00pm (the session will be repeated).  Free morning and afternoon provided and small gift bag. Creche also available.

VENUE: Holy Family OSHC Room

RSVP: For catering purposes please RSVP to emma.finos@holyfamily.catholic.edu.au


Your child (aged 6 to 14 years) has anxiety that is affecting their everyday life. It may stop them, or your whole family, from doing certain activities. Your child may be worried a lot of the time. You may swing between reassuring them and telling them to face their fears. Neither of these seems to work, and their anxiety seems to increase. You may feel like you’ve tried everything, and possibly may be anxious yourself. If parenting a child with anxiety is affecting your life and you’d like to help your child worry less and be more confident, this free seminar may help. Triple P encourages you to use practical strategies with all family members, not just the child who seems especially anxious. In this way, the Triple P program helps the whole family. The program is based on research and experiences working with the families of children with anxiety for more than 30 years. We look forward to seeing you there!

Any questions about the seminar please contact: emma.finos@holyfamily.catholic.edu.au or 8250 6616







If you have any questions, concerns or queries, feel free to chat to either teacher!


See you in week 7,

Ms. Yeend & Ms. Tiana

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