Hello RTH & RLY Families,
As our second week of school comes to an end, we can confidently say we are so proud in all the children’s growth and comfortability within the classroom and the school yard that has occurred over the past week. We have loved getting to know all the children and can’t wait to see what they achieve for the rest of the year.
This week we had a strong focus on beginning our bookmaking, introducing the children to books and building their knowledge on what is involved in a book. Along with this we began our focus on sounds and letters, working with the letters ‘S’ & ‘A’. We continued with our playful literacy where we continued to read together, work on writing our names and engage in social play to continuously build skills.
We kept continued with our 1-10 numeral counting and subitising this week and worked towards the recognition of numerals also. The children also engaged in their numeracy play where they worked with mathematical tools to engage in play with others.
Play Inquiry:
Students continued with their play inquiry each morning, supporting the engagement in classroom resources and new relationships being built with all students.
We had a focus on living/non-living things and students used iPads to collects data through taking photos on what is living and what is not.
Students worked towards understanding what actions and consequences are.
The focus surrounded ‘Who Am I?’, allowing students to engage in a game where they discuss their likes and dislikes, seeing who else in the classroom may share similar thoughts.
We focused on emotions and feelings through reading a story in class and discussed the emotions/feelings we noticed throughout the story.
Important Information:
RTH & RLY has an assembly in week 7. We are focusing on the diversity that Holy Family encompasses. For our assembly, we were hoping that either RTH & RLY teachers could record the students discussing their culture if permitted or if families could send in a video of their child discussing their culture and one of their favourite things about their culture as the compilation of videos will be shared within our assembly.
We have a belonging photo wall of students with their families where we are slowly growing our photos of children with their families. We ask that you bring in a photo or email a photo of your child and their family for our belonging wall with some information about you all.