Week 5 – Learning Reflection

Welcome RTH & RLY families,

We have officially made it to half way through the term and are so proud of everyone’s determination and growth throughout this year so far!


This week we focused on ‘Zz’ and ‘Qq’, we practiced these in our books and did some letter investigations with these phonemes and graphemes to deepen our understandings. We worked on our understandings of CVC words and continued to work on our syllables and rhymes.

We also continued with our author study, focusing on Mo Willems. We have reached the end of our author study and have implemented all the ideas we have learnt from Mo Willems into our books. Next week we will move on to a new focus!


This week we have finished our part-whole operations focus! We wrapped up this unit with focusing on differences and totals, addition and subtraction up to 10 and using a number line to help grow our ability to add and subtract.


We focused on ‘non-blaming language’ this week and worked towards ways of taking responsibility for our feelings and actions.


This week we focused on celebrations and reflected on the diverse celebrations within our classrooms. We looked at various celebrations and the importance of those celebrations.


This week in science we conducted a science experiment where we looked at how the shape of an object can affect the way it can roll. We used multiple different objects and rolled them down a ramp to see what objects roll and why they roll.


We focused on the history of Jesus’ miracles this week, reflecting on what miracles are and then looking at many of the miracles Jesus has done. Students then had an opportunity to create a paper cut out of Jesus.


This week in technologies we used digital systems to organise information and ideas from the book, ‘The Three Little Pigs’. We created pictures and wrote text to retell the story.

Mission Day:

We also celebrated Mission Week this week and students had the opportunity to engage in different stalls created by classrooms to raise money for Catholic charities. Students were able to spend their afternoon throughout the school, engaging in activities of their choosing and had a blast!


Crows Kickstart

Each Tuesday from 3:30-4:30 the Adelaide Crows Football Club are doing a kickstart program each week to help students build their football skills. This is free for families once registered if you choose to do so.

Try at Home Books

This week we have attached a new focus on our ‘try at home books’, with new letters and words to focus on through the next few weeks. These books are just for casual reading with your children if you have the time and they want to, however don’t feel like you need to, we do so much in class! It’s really just an opportunity for your children to share their learning with you. You don’t need to add anything to/write in these books!

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