Hello RTH & RLY Families,
We are officially halfway through term three and are so proud of all of the progress everyone has made not only this term, but also throughout the whole year!
This week we continued with digraphs, focusing on ‘zz’ and ‘qu’. We discussed different words that have the chosen digraphs in them, creating make believe words with these sounds, finding words that rhyme with the digraphs and creating sentences with the digraphs. We looked at books with our digraphs in them and then investigated books further, with a focus on titles, characters, techniques, and our thoughts on stories. Lastly, we continued with our book making and focused on how to read our books as a story or how to sound like an expert when reading a information text.
Last week we finished our unit on numbers to 100, this week onwards we will be looking at part-whole operations! We focused on addition and subtraction up to 20, differences and totals; and sharing collections. We did this using concrete materials to help us share, add, subtract and share.
This week we looked at the types of touching that is okay, discussing the importance of personal boundaries, understanding other’s boundaries and the safe people around us.
In religion, we looked at songs about Jesus and the importance of listening to songs about Jesus. We discussed how Jesus shows love through songs, our favourite song and understandings of Jesus’ stories.
This week in HaSS, we revisited the fact all places have features, features can be shown through symbols, birds eye views and pictorial maps. We then drew either a bird’s eye view or a pictorial map of a place that is special to us.
In arts and design this week, we looked at First Nations Australian’s perspectives. We looked at dance and music in arts, discussing how First Nations Australian’s used music to share stories about the land, animals, people, dreamtime and so on. We then looked at a dance that shared a story of a moth’s lifestyle, then having an animal of our choosing and discussing how we would ‘dance a story’.
In design we looked at the importance of weaving in First Nations Australians cultures. We discussed how techniques needed to be applied to textiles to make clothes, bedding and so on. We then began to weave our own wool through fabric to discover the technique of weaving.
This week in science, we reviewed the past concepts learnt and then looked at materials that are waterproof. Once discussed, we created a raincoat for a teddy bear made out of materials provided with the hopes of it being waterproof.
Try At Home Books
We have our ‘try at home books’, with this week’s letters and words to focus on through the next week. These books are just for casual reading with your children if you have the time and they want to, however don’t feel like you need to, we do so much in class! It’s just an opportunity for your children to share their learning with you. You don’t need to add anything to/write in these books!
Book Week
Book Week was this week, we have attached photos of everyone dressed up below.
RLY Assembly
RLY & their buddy class 6LF will be hosting the school assembly on Friday 30th August at 9am in the hall. All parents and families are welcome to attend!
Ms. Yeend, Ms. Tiana and Ms. Tye