Learning Reflection – RLY & RTH – Week 6, Term 3, 2024.

Hello RTH & RLY Families,

Welcome to the end of week 6! Here is a quick breakdown of what we did this week…


This week we continued with digraphs, focusing on ‘sh’, ‘ee’ and ‘th’. We discussed different words that have the chosen digraphs in them, creating make believe words with these sounds, finding words that rhyme with the digraphs and creating sentences with the digraphs. We looked at books with our digraphs in them and then investigated books further, with a focus on titles, characters, techniques, and our thoughts on stories.

We started a new spotlight in bookmaking – ‘Information books: Write to teach your reader’. We delved deeper into headings, titles and diagrams.



Continuing with our unit on part whole operations, this week we looked at ways to group collections, represent larger numbers using MAB blocks and practicing subitising, addition and subtraction.



This week we looked discussed the important difference between a happy surprise and a secret and how we can keep ourselves safe.



In religion, we explored prayer and how this brings us closer go God. Please refer to an email from Anthony Terminello (APRIM) about what we will be teaching in weeks 8-10 in case you have any queries.



This week in HaSS, we revisited the fact all places have features, features can be shown through symbols, birds eye views and pictorial maps. We then drew either a bird’s eye view or a pictorial map of a place that is special to us.



In arts and design this week, we explored log park again and planned out what we would do if we could change the way it looks/add in new nature play ideas. We then drew these plans on the iPads.



This week in science, we finished our unit of work on materials by creating a boat out of provided materials and predicted whether it would float/the materials would be waterproof.




Reading at home:

Please don’t feel pressured to read with your children at home as we would like this to be a fun experience for you both however, if you are able to, it would support your children’s learning greatly if you could find some time to enjoy a picture book together or work on their readers.



We have children with anaphylaxis in our classrooms and Nutella poses a serious danger to their health. We are strictly a nut free environment so please be mindful of this when packing lunch boxes. 


RLY Assembly:

Well done to RLY for their amazing assembly today! The dancing was out of this world and we are all so proud of you!!


Ms. Yeend, Ms. Tiana and Ms. Tye

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