Term 4 | Week 9 | Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

Welcome to the last week of term 4, 2023!

The children have been feeling the excitement in the air this week and have been busy continuing their learning and enjoying the  Christmas festivities of making and celebrating.

2023 has been an amazing year and I am very proud of all the children and the journey of progress they have made since January.  The children are confident, bright and eager to learn.  I you all a very Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year in 2024.


Today the children recorded addition sums.

Word Study and Christmas sentences:

Maths | Friends of 10 Investigation

Making Christmas presents…

Term 4 | Week 8

Welcome to Week 8! We have been busy with lots of Christmas and end of year celebrations.


This week we have been working hard practicing four Christmas carols. Today we recorded our carols for you to enjoy and watch at home!

End of Year Mass

On Thursday we came together for a whole school Mass to farewell the graduating Year 6 students.


This week in science we conducted a water and oil experiment. Before the experiment we made predictions and then we recorded our observations.


This week in maths we have been revising our knowledge of shapes. Today we also played a special Christmas number game.

Term 4 | Week 7

Welcome to week 7

The Christmas Pageant comes to Holy Family

Santa sends the children Bubble the Elf!!

Mrs Maguire came to our classroom with a very special delivery this morning.

Nature Play on Friday morning.

Maths and capacity

Term 4 | Week 6

Welcome to week 6. Enjoy the photos of our busy week!

Please find below some information about our Vinnies Christmas Appeal Food Drive. You are welcome to make donations in our collection box at the front office before the 1st of December.

On Friday the 8th of December is our Holy Family Christmas Carols Night. The students are practicing our chosen carols in class, we are looking forward to the festivities.


This week in Maths we have been revising our knowledge on patterns.

Book Making

We have continued making lots of stories in bookmaking this week. We also started to explore letter writing.



This week in Technologies we designed and created our own Christmas floats. Next week the Reception classes will be showing off their floats to the school in our very own Holy Family Christmas Pageant!

Nature Play Mini-Festival

On Thursday we had our incursion with Nature Play SA. The students enjoyed making potions, building cubbies and more! Unfortunately the wet weather meant we had to head inside early, we are hoping Nature Play can visit again before the end of the term.

Term 4 | Week 5

Welcome to week 5!

English | phonics and word study

Today the students combined their skills and knowledge to think of as many words with at in them as possible.  There were some amazing sentences too. Well done everyone.

Library | Curiosity

Morning Reading

Diwali activities

We read a story about a family celebrating Diwali.

To celebrate Diwali, the students participated in some wonderful activities, such as making diya lamps, rangolis and …

Today the students watched the student leaders and Mr McCarthy release pygmy perch and gudgeons into the billabongs.

Maths  – data, graphing and tallying.

Laptops and data




Rhyme Time

Today the students used the ‘ark’ sound to find lots of words with the ark sound in them.


Term 4 | Week 4

Welcome to week 4 everyone, we hope you have a great week!

Below is some information about our upcoming incursion.  We know the children will love this experience.


Meeting Father James and Class Prayer

Play Investigations


Book making


The children completed their Advent wreaths this afternoon.


We used leaves to create our own creative artworks.


This week in design students designed and created their own robots.

Term 4 | Week 3

English  | Phonics | Word Study

This week the students are revising qu and ch and developing their spelling and sentence making skills.


This week the students are investigating how data is gathered and how to read a data display.

Today the goal was to find out who likes a particular flavour of  ice-cream!


Take a look at our amazing portraits.


Today the children counted beans after reading the story Jack and the Beanstalk.

Term 4 | Week 2

Welcome to week 2 everyone, we hope you enjoyed the Spring Fair!

Book Making

The children are busy writing their new books this term and our spotlight study is Stories From Our Lives.


Play Investigations


The children counted the legs on the animals today, then paired up and calculated the total number of legs.

Word Study

This week we explored the High Frequency words ‘of’ and ‘with’.


Design and Technology

In design this week we created our own Superheros!

Term 4 | Week 1

Welcome back to school everyone!  We hope you had a great holiday break wherever you spent it!

The annual Spring Fair is this coming weekend and we hope to see you there.



The students will continue to learn and revise the letter sounds and names throughout Term 4. A focus on oral language, including constructing simple sentences and recording them in written form is a part of the English curriculum.  Below is a list of the high frequency words the children are expected to read by the end of the year.

Term 4 High Frequency Words are:


Term 3 High Frequency Words were:


The children played dice games with counters today.  Each pair had 2 dice and the aim of the game was to add the dots, find the sum and declare which person had the most dots.


The students created Picasso inspired impressions today using some of the unique characteristics of cubism.

Book Making

The children were back in the swing of making their own books this morning.  Some children continued to work on their books from last term and some started writing a new book.


Mary said ‘Yes’ to God when the angel Gabriel visited her.  The children drew the story in their books this afternoon.