“Play is the beginning of knowledge” – George Dorsey

We started our Friday with an inspiring assembly presented by 4MR & 4PB. The children shared with us knowledge about the CLARA Learning Powers, as well as focussing on gratitude and positive relationships. We were treated to two dances by the classes, which made for an energetic start to our day! We moved straight from assembly to GoNoodle in The Centre, joined by other R-4 classes.

After recess, The Village engaged with investigations, based on learning throughout the week. Some of the activities came about from provocations – structured play – while others were from the children’s own imaginings – unstructured, or free play.

“Structured play is generally adult led providing direction, and a specific task in order for a child/ren to learn a new skill. Structured play is typically a physical or cognitive (brain skill) activity. Unstructured play means openended, or creative free play with endless possibilities. It is child led and directed, and doesn’t require an outcome or product…” from Schubert, C (Ed). (2017). Structured vs unstructured play. State of Play, 3, 4, Retrieved from http://playgroupsa.com.au/content/media/SAKids/PDFs/SOP_Mar2017_WebsiteVersionREDUCED_27Feb17.pdf  This short article really explains the how and why of play and its importance in children’s growth and development in formal and informal learning environments.


Before lunch, R/1EQ & R/1MS began exploring God’s Creation with a walk around the school, looking for things that God has made for us. Before they left, the children were asked who they think God is:
He flies in a jetpack – Bibi
Maybe God is the moon – Oliver
He is the one who created us – Elnathan
Is God the one who created us? – Nyok 

The children discussed what God does for us and what he has made for us:

God is wanting us to have fun – Oliver
Helps write words on a TV – Nahom
God is watching us – Khyle
God is controlling us – Bodhi
God has created animals – Zac
God has created the buddies on the stage – Nahom
A person and a house – Oliver
God created animals – Alexia
Animals – Nelson

Whilst on their nature walk, the children saw a mouse, so made a trap to catch it:

Meanwhile, R/1EN & R/1MC spent time in the Mudla and Kuyangani:

Check out their post about what they go up to…

After lunch, R/1EQ met their buddies in 4HA and R/1MS met their buddies in 3MA.


The children will continue to spend time with their buddies regularly throughout the year.

What are you curios about!?

Hi everyone,

It was another day filled of some amazing learning opportunities for our capable and competent learners in the Village today!

Today the students explored another of our Learning Powers, Curiosity.

“This is about my desire to investigate, find more out and ask questions, especially ‘Why?’ If I am a curious learner, I won’t simply accept what I am told without wanting to know for myself whether and why it’s true. I might challenge what friends, leaders, parents, teachers, colleagues say, rather than take it at face value. I want to know the reason for everything, as young children often do.”

The students then discussed with their classroom teachers what they thought curiosity is and what they are curious about! We also meet are class representative, Mr Kangaroo, who represents and showcases an abundance of curiosity in our learning environment.


What does curious mean?

Dimi: Leaning about stuff

Jacob: Learning new stuff, writing new stuff.

Viraj: what you want to learn.

Chase: what you want to learn.

Sonnie: you never give up and keep on trying

What are you curious about?

Jacob: I want to learn about writing

Viraj: ABC

Sierra: I am curious learning all different numbers and letters.

Sonnie: I am curious about spelling.

Isabella: I am curious about writing.

Kuch: I am curious about drawing.

Videl: I am curious about writing

Nicholas: I want learn more about the laptops, making pizza on the laptop

Dimi: I want to learn about writers workshop and hoping mice and big barry.

Ishpreet: I want to learn more about ABC.

Chase: I want to learn more about horses.

Mikayla: I want to learn about drawaing.

Emily: I want to learn how to write.

Cooper: I want to have a growth mindset and I am curious about horses.

Poppy: I am curious about fish.

Awan:  I am curious about dancing.

Angie: I am curious about numbers I want to learn more about them.


Zahra – I’m curious about people because I want to know how old they are and their names.

Ravleen- I’m curious about the Murray Cod. I want to learn why it always hides?

Yasha- I’m curious about the hopping mice. They’re cute and fuzzy. Ah so cute. Yeah I see two I go to MUDLA.

Scarlett- Rainbows

Jed: I’m curious about Koalas

Arianna Going to the Fish Farm and hopping mice

Kalil: I’m curious about everything in the world. And Bayblades.

Sahib: I’m curious to help everybody.

Annabella: I’m curious about feathers because I don’t know why feathers fall off the bird or where they fall.

Alannah: I’m curious about my laptop

Jordan: I’m curious about bay-blades

Hendrix: I’m curious the Murray Cod.

Leo: I like Mr Koala’s power because he has a good power. Creativity. But I am curious about drawing.

Ethan N: I’m curious about lego.

James: I’m curious about boats.

Kiet: Im curious about lego

Sara: I’m curious about rainbows.


What does curiosity mean?

It means you’re trying and you love your family – Declan

Learning – Adum

You have to sit down and listen – Arjan

It means learning and teaching – Oliver

You’re learning – Nyok

Learning what you didn’t ever do – Nhial 

What are you curious about?

I want to learn more things about colouring and drawing and playing – Arjan

I’m curious about trying my best at drawing a truck – Nyok

I’m curious about learning to be happy. I want to be an expert at building and making – Oliver

I’m curious about my family. I like playing on the X-box and the playstation and the playstation 4 – Declan

I’m curious all about the school – Felipe

I want to learn more about writing – Nahom

I want to learn more about reading – Adum

I want to learn about riding my bike and ask my dad to teach me how to ride my bike – Oliver

I want to learn about being safe, confidence and helping. I love to learn very much so I can learn very more and do some learning every day and we do the Father, the Son the Holy Spirit, Amen – Zac

I want to learn about helping people – Bodhi

I want to learn about playing with my friends – Bibi

I want to play on the playground – Dhyani

I want to learn about tigers – Alexander


What do you think curiosity is?

Alexa – Learning about making stuff

Emily – Investigations

Hayley – It helps you to do new learning

Annabelle – Take care of people and sharing, and being kind

Alexia – When you share kindness to other people

What are you curious about?

Hayley – Making new friends

Enrique – Blocks

Irin – Doing numbers

Charlize – Kind to one another

Mikayla – I am curious about seeing new teachers

Eva – I am curious about butterflies because I want to know how they fly

Alexa – I am curious about if everyone in the world is happy

Annabelle – Making suprises for other children

Alexia – Why Mr Kangaroo looked at me funny.

I wonder…

Charlize – I wonder about is curisosity special

Hayley – I wonder is curiosity help you learn

Emily – I wonder how to be kind

Enrique – I wonder if the playground has a slide

Irin – I wonder if curiosity makes us learn

Eva – I wonder why the rainbow snake was in a book

Mikayla – I wonder if rainbows are special

Alexa – I wonder about everyone in the world that we can all craft

Alexia – I wonder when we are going to our houses?

Nelson – I wonder about ninja turtles, does he work for the police?

Annabelle – I wonder if everything smells good, even the flowers


Our eager learners where then able to explore their new knowledge of curiosity through their play based investigations where students created, investigated, challenged, shared and supported one another through their 100 languages of learning.

All four classes today had Music with Mrs Rebeiro where they worked on simple rhythms and beats, focusing on “Ta” and “Ti Ti” sounds. They then got to have a go at playing their rhythm on the drums at the end of the lesson.

Have a look below 🙂

Wishing everyone a pleasant evening!

God bless

Wednesday Week 4

Come read with me!! The Village has been doing a great job with ‘Come Read with Me’. Just a friendly reminder to the students to please remember to bring in their black reader bags everyday. ‘Come Read with Me’ is a special time where the students get to read with a friend, teacher, parent, caregiver, grandparent, sibling or even a buddy or they may choose to read by themselves. Us educators get to check in with the students and see how they are going with their reading, challenging them and teaching new skills.

This morning the students begun their literacy investigations exploring the Tt sound, oral language, writing skills, word knowledge, letter and sound formation, reading skills and so much more. Literacy investigations are where the children lead their own learning through play and hands on learning experiences. Us educators support the students to go deeper and challenge their thinking whilst supporting their growth. We ask questions, develop inspiring provocations, reflect with the students and educators to ensure all the students are engaged and most of all enjoy the students as they flourish and develop their literacy skills.

Some reflections the students had:

I used my growth mindset to do some writing- Annabella.

I choose to do the writing, I was finding t words and having a go at writing- A

I painted the number 10, Sahib.

I went on the laptop and practised my letters, The sound T, Viraj.

I used my growth mindset and Mr Koala to do my painting and my tracing on the whiteboard. I was learning the t t t sound. Dimi

I made a Turtle – it starts with T, Ishpreet.

I drawed a picture book, it had two girls, Raven.

I made a book about tennis with my Mum, Tennis starts with t, t, t, Yasha.

Maybe tonight the students could tell you some Tt sound words they know or go on a little hunt around the house to find Tt, or look for the Tt sound in their readers or even make up a Tt sound song. Songs, rhymes, dance, actions  poems and stories are all great ways in which the students can learn their phonological sounds.



After Recess R1 EQ and R1 MS had library the students then participated in “Writers Workshop”  challenging themselves and using their creativity (Mr Koala). We spoke to the children about “Growth Mindsets” having a go and trying something new even if they thought it would be hard!

If you like to have a read about writers workshop the below links are helpful:


What is writing workshop?

Writing workshop is a student-centered framework for teaching writing that is based on the idea that students learn to write best when they write frequently, for extended periods of time, on topics of their own choosing. 

To develop skills as a writer, students need three things: ownership of their own writing, guidance from an experienced writer, and support from a community of fellow learners. The writing workshop framework meets these needs and streamlines instruction in order to meet the most important objective: giving kids time to write. The workshop setting supports children in taking their writing seriously and viewing themselves as writers. 

The four main components of writing workshop are the mini-lesson, status of the class, writing/conferring time, and sharing. There is not a prescribed time limit for each component, rather they are meant to be flexible and determined by students’ needs on any given day. 

Taken from: https://www.weareteachers.com/what-is-writing-workshop/

We modelled together as a class what a book needs- the children led this, sharing their ideas,

  • we need a title page
  • full stops
  • capital letters
  • writing
  • pictures
  • page numbers

The children did such an amazing job at being Authors!

We then went into investigations and play where the students choose to continued with their investigations and inquiries. The students then got to extend on these after lunch.

Viraj: I liked playing with my friends outside.

Al: I liked doing writing.

Arabella: I liked making my books.

Hendrix: I liked playing Police officer.

Sarah: I played paint and I played with Awan.

Isabella: I liked playing with the mud kitchen,

Ariana: I liked playing with money,

Sierra: I was making a unicorn book.

Kiet: I liked playing with Ethan.

Sonny: Dimi, Sierra and me were making a house.


Tuesday 19th Feb

‘Come Read with Me’ kickstarted our day! All parents are welcome of course 🙂

Numeracy Investigations then took centre stage, with a number of provocations centred around number, addition, sorting, subitising, counting on, as well as free creative number play, with the use of board games, cards, blocks, counters and numerous other practice elements. Check out some of the pictures:



During library today, we read a book called ‘Up and Down’ by Oliver Jeffers. Our friends from the ELC joined us as we discussed features of the story, such as friendship, reaching for your goals and also appreciating what you have. The children made some fantastic clarifications and predictions along the way!

Upon returning to the class, we introduced the letter ‘Tt’, sang our song and discussed the shape and sound of the letter. Students recorded their findings in their book.

Following relaxation, during some circle time, students from R/1 talked about feelings and emotions, then did some shared role playing and talked about facial expressions and body language. We also practiced our friendly greetings.

In the afternoon we had a visitor in the classroom of the feathered variety, which some students may be excited to tell you about… However, they didn’t stay long and flew through the door relatively quickly.

Students also enjoyed some outdoor fitness games, as well as free classroom play.

Have a wonderful evening 🙂

Thukeri: one hundred languages

The village explored the dreaming story of Thukeri.

What happened in the story?

“One stranger came and the two people in the boat was lying to him that they don’t have fishes . They wanted to share it to the old people and their family and he was walking away and he stopped and he said, um, that I know you got fishes and you lying cause you greedy”- Ravleen

“They were two brothers” – Yasha

“The man wanted to go fishing and they hoped in their boat and made their own rod and caught the fish. When they were in the water and a stranger came and he asked if he could have some fish but the two brothers were greedy and said no and then he stood there and walked away and stopped, and said ‘you’re lying’ and then they cut the fish and there were all bones” – Zahra

“I liked when they make the fishing rod” – Jed

“My favourite part was when the stranger came and he said ‘can I have some fish?’ and they said ‘no’ and then they wanted some and didn’t have any”- Leo

“They couldn’t eat the fish because they would choke on them because they didn’t want to share because they don’t like sharing. They said they only caught a couple for the whole family, but they really caught lots” – Kobe

“They were riding a boat and they saw a monster”  – Alexia

“There was a stranger”  – Enrique

“They were hiding the fish under the blanket” – Annabelle

“The stranger said, “you guys are lying” and then walked away” – Alexa

“The stranger said, “you are lying,” and then he just walked way and said nothing” – Declan

“The stranger wants food from the two guys and the stranger was hungry” – Oliver

“The people were bullies and they didn’t give fish to the stranger” – Elnathan

“They’re not having a growth mindset because they’re not sharing”– Dimi

“You need to share people to make the bucket fill up” – Viraj

“They need the fish for their family” – Sonny

“They weren’t sharing” – Jacob

“They aren’t being kind” – Kobe

What happened to the fish? why was it bony?

“It couldn’t breathe” – Cooper

“Maybe the stranger ate the fish” – Sonny

“They cut them” – Jacob

“He will take the whole thing” – Annabelle

“The stranger did something to the fish” – Oliver

What’s the lesson that we learnt?

“You need to share” – Adum

“They should share and it wouldn’t be bony anymore” – Alexia

“No more telling lies” – Sonny

“I learnt from the story that we need to share”- Angie

“I learnt that the fish was bony because you couldn’t eat it but if they had shared it would have been fine”- Dimi

“I am going to write about the story, I learnt you need to share, they not share the fish”- Awan

The children were then provided the opportunity to make meaning of Thukeri using their one hundred languages. It was fantastic to see the students being expressive, communicative, symbolic, cognitive, ethical, metaphorical, logical, and imaginative. The children explored, experimented and played with a variety of materials to represent the story. Have a look at their learning

Student Reflections

“I  record the story on the laptop. I learnt not to lie” – Jacob

“They were getting the fish and they said no they don’t have any and he said that you are lying and I don’t like it is and that is making my feelings sad. I think that it is rude and sad that they didn’t share. I choose to paint it.”- Ishpreet

“I am acting it all and I need a laptop so I can record it. The Story is about the two people sitting on the boat hiding the fish. The people should have shared the fish”- Sonnie

“I re told the thukeri on the laptop. A stranger came can I please have some fish! NO said the two men they were greedy! Then men should of shared” –Poppie

“I have been painting the thukeri story, the two men they were catching fish and then the stranger asked for fish but they said no. The stranger ate the fish they should of given them the fish”-  Sierra.


Today we explored the following provocations. It was great to children actively construct their own understandings and contribute to each others’ learning. They recognized their agency, capacity to initiate and lead learning. The children were able to further extend their learning, building on and challenging their ideas.

Have a look at their learning.


“Play builds the kind of free-and-easy, try-it-out, do-it-yourself character that our future needs.” – James L. Hymes, Jr.

We started our day with assembly, presented by 3MA & 4HA (R/1MS & R/1EQ’s buddies)! We were very excited to learn about a new CLARA Learning Power – Belonging, which was the theme of their assembly.

After recess, we met in the hall to listen to Jane Short from St Vincent De Paul Society share a presentation about the history, values and mission of St Vincent de Paul. Holy Family has three house family groups – Saint Vincent de Paul, Pope John Paul II and St Mary MacKillop. The Village classrooms fall into the House Family Group of St Vincent de Paul with 3MA, 4HA, 5/6SM & 5/6BM.


We learned about the Saint Vincent de Paul Society and its history. We also learned about how the charity works within South Australia. The children shared their ideas and questions throughout the presentation.

What does homeless mean? – Elnathan
What’s a war? – Zac
I’m going to get my money and I’m going to give it to the poor people – Dimi

When Jane asked the group what we can do if anyone is hungry, Alexa answered:
“You cook something for them and then they aren’t hungry anymore.”
When we were asked about what a volunteer does, Nahom told us: “they cook food and they give it to people so they can eat.”

We reflected on the visit when we returned to class:

Jane talked about God – Mikayla
Jane she told us about God – Nahom
Jane talked to us about being good – Oliver
We can make food for people – Nahom
We were talking about what house we are in – Zahra
We were leaning all about the poor people – Dimi
When people don’t have houses – Yasha
Some people don’t have food – Leo
They don’t have kitchen – Ravleen
Some people don’t have furniture – AL
Don’t have big  money – Sara
Some people are a sick – Videl
We help people when they are sick – Charlie

What can we do to help?

We could make boxes and put money in the boxes and give it to the poor people – Ravleen
Help the people by teaching them – Viraj
We can make food for them – Ariana
Give them food – Yasha
We can give them money – Kiet
If they don’t have food they can die, we can teach them how to cook – Ishpreet
We can buy food for them and donate money – Leo
We could food in boxes to send to them – AL
We could donate clothes to them – Dimi
Invite them to play with you – Nickolas
We could give houses to them – Arabella

After attending the presentation, R/1EQ & R/1MS went for a spontaneous visit to Log Park. The children were joined by 2PN & 2JW.

In the afternoon, the children engaged in investigations, consolidating their learning from the week that has been. We also enjoyed some music from our resident DJ’s, following in the footsteps of Mr Stramare who has been holding fortnightly lunch time disco’s.


R/1EQ & R/1MS ended our day with prayer, led by our class assistants. The children are able to choose what they would like to pray about, beginning and ending prayer with the sign of the cross:

Thank you, God for giving us the house, the shops, the school and the countries and the world so we can survive and eat and pray – Elnathan
Thank you, God for protecting us every day and every night. Please protect us, so we can survive and be strong – Alexa
Thank you for giving us all of the toys – Annabelle
Thank you for the house and all the people – Dhyani


As educators we have been noticing some of our students feel they can’t do certain things. Here at Holy Family we are all about the children having Growth mindsets. We love positive education and we want to help and guide all our students to have Growth Mindsets not fixed mindsets.

We want all our students to have growth mindsets, where all the students go on their own learning journeys. Our goals for our students are they embrace challenges, enjoy them and learn from their mistakes. We want the students to seek out help when they need it, learn from the feedback they are given, be inquisitive and have strategies in place when they feel like giving up.

We watched some social stories and had some great reflections on what having a positive mindset means.


Here were some of our reflections:

What can we do if we feel we want to give up?

Vidal: We can work hard a lot.

Sierra: We have to keep on practising.

Dimi: We need to keep on practising and never give up.

Viraj: Use his brain and have a go.

Poppy: We needs to think.

What do we call this when we don’t give up?

It is called growth mindset? What does that mean?

Ishpreet: like if you grow a plant it grows, like at school we have to keep on trying.

Cooper: If something hard you keep on trying.

Viraj: I could write a story and try.

Dimi: we won’t give up.

Ishpreet: The plants not growing so we need to say as people we need to keep trying and trying so we grow.

Poppy: We need to keep on trying.

Sonny: You can ask the teachers for help.

Poppy: Ask someone else for help.

Kuch: I had a go.

It makes you feel happy – Charlee

When you were a baby you didn’t do work – Declan

When you get hurt, boys and girls can help you – Nahom

When it gets harder and harder and you don’t know what to do, you have to talk to somebody and tell them what’s wrong, then your brain will get stronger – Zac

When someone gets hurt, we hug them – Nyok

If something is tricky and we don’t know what to do…

We can learn – Bibi

If you don’t know math, you have to watch YouTube to learn how to do math – Oliver

An adult or a teacher can help you – Elnathan

We can help someone draw something cool – Alexander

Your buddy can help you write – Charlee

We agreed that friends can help us to learn too!

What does a growth mindset mean?

Help people and learn harder and have a nice brain and get more strength to do more work and don’t get sad – Elnathan

Your brain needs to be strong – Oliver

Each class will then continue to reflect on their “GROWTH MINDSETS” and come up with strategies on how they can have growth mindsets.

We decided to take photos that they can look at when they feel like giving up. They came up with their own positive messages that they would like to say to themselves when they feel their fixed mindset coming on.

The students got to enjoy their specialist lessons throughout today having lots of fun!

After Recess we continued with our investigations it was great to have visitors from the ELC and r/1 GC all the students were playing collaboratively. We were also lucky enough to have our buddies from 5/6 to help us with our reading and investigations. The students were using their 100 languages as they drew, wrote, made, designed, built, created, moulded and so much more.

We saw lots of valentines day cards being made, children practising their number formation, children writing books, children playing games outside, children making cubbies, children exploring small world play, children playing shops, children playing trains, children “cooking”, children designing with Lego and children making presents for their loved ones.

After investigations  we reflected on how we used our growth mindsets:

Zahra: it means you don’t give up.

Leo: it means learning making signs and trying again

Poppy: making good choices.

Kalil: get up and try again

Jacob: if you mix up try again

Arianna: I used my growth mindset to make a book for my Mum and Dad.

Yasha: I used my growth mindset to make a kitty.

Al: I used my growth to make a maze for the hopping mindsets.

Viraj: I used my growth mindset to play with my brother form ELC.

Annabella: I used my growth set to make a valentines day.

Ethan: I used my growth mindset to make a car.

This afternoon The Village made Valentines Day card, had specialist lessons and did some reading.

R1 EN and MC were detectives in questing “Why we thought our Murray Cod’s water was dirty?”

We then suggested names for our fish- watch this space we will vote on them tomorrow.



Grevillia Reserve

For children, play is learning. Playing outdoors grows resilience, self-confidence, initiative, creativity and more. It encourages the joy of movement; it nurtures wild imaginations, experimentation, friendships, social connections!

Mr Koala (our creativity learning power) joined us at Grevillia.

“I used Mr Koala when I was climbing” – Jacob

“I used Mr Koala when I was dancing” – Viraj

“I used Mr Koala playing with sticks” – Leo

Specks of gold

My speck of gold was playing soccer with Jordan and Jacob” – Kalil

“My speck of gold was playing mum and dad”- Ravleen

“My speck of gold was playing with Jasper”- Viraj

“My speck of gold was my prayer on mum and dad”- Ariana

“My speck of gold was playing outside with my friends” – Vidal

“My speck of gold was playing soccer with Jordan and Kalil”- Jordan

“My speck of gold was my friends”- Yasha

“My speck of gold was playing with Kiet”- Ethan

“My speck of gold was playing with James at the dinosaurs”- Leo