Fabulously Fun Friday

This morning, the children were treated to a great assembly by 2RG & 2JH. The children shared their curiosity and creativity, incorporating their learning from their classroom and weekly music lessons. It was a great reminder of how we can use our learning powers each day. After assembly, we stayed for GoNoodle. R/1 children were able to dance on stage, which was very exciting!

After recess, the children continued their Easter investigations from Thursday. We saw some great creativity as the children continued to add details to their Easter baskets, create Easter bunnies and cards. Children also chose to build and battle with Beyblades and play in the courtyard.

Just before lunch, the moment we had all been waiting for occurred – an Easter hunt in Log Park. The children were super excited to find the eggs they had made earlier in the week, exchanging them in class for a chocolate egg.

We wish you all a very Happy Easter and happy holidays and we will see you back next term, for another exciting term. God bless, The Village teachers.

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