Week 4 Music with Mrs Rebeiro! R/1R and R/1ET

This week, the R/1 students have continued working on creating musical sounds and rhythms using percussion instruments. Students have began to focus on the rhythm “Ti-Ti Ta Ta Ta” which is slightly different from the common “Ta Ta Ti-Ti Ta” Students have been introduced to the Guiro which is a Latin American percussion instrument. It is played by rubbing or scrapping a wooden stick along its notches. The students were very excited to play their rhythm using a Guiro!


Some students from R/1R and R/1ET are featured below having a go at practicing  and performing their rhythm today!

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Week 4 Music with Mrs Rebeiro! 3/4ZS and 3/4CP

This week in Music, the year 3/4’s will continue to create rhythms using simple music notation. Students have been able to create rhythms in 2 bar sequences and have been able to recognise and incorporate “Tika – Tika” and “Zah”. Have a look at the rhythms below created by 3/4CP and 3/4ZS!

tika tika

 Tika     –      Tika

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Week 3 Music with Mrs Rebeiro! 3/4 Classes:

This week, the year 3/4 students have been focusing on building their own rhythms using simple music notation and percussion instruments. Students have been using different combinations of “Ta” “Ti-Ti” and “Zah” to create their own Ostinato to perform to the class. Students now understand that “Zah” is a rest in music and an “Ostinato” is a repeated pattern in music!

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Week 3 Music with Mrs Rebeiro! R/1 and Year 2 Classes:

This week, R/1 classes have been using shapes and images, together with percussion instruments to help develop their skills in rhythm and beat. The images were used as inspiration for students to demonstrate how to play each instrument. Year 1 students were fantastic leaders and were able to share their ideas with the Receptions. Classes moved around the music room and had a go at playing new instruments throughout the Music lesson!

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Year 2 students have been working on rhythms this week and have had a chance to practice and perform rhythms using the above percussion instruments. Classes have focused on the rhythm concepts of “Ta” and “Ti-Ti”. Have a go at clapping the rhythms below:
