Music 2021!

Hi my name is Luke Walker,

I am the music teacher! I have a real passion for music and can’t wait to share my passion for music with all at the school. Please feel free to come and chat Monday to Wednesday if you have any questions and I will do my best to answer them.

This term our focus will be on Singing.

The Catholic Schools Festival of music will be going ahead, our sessions will be last lesson (line 7) on Wednesdays.  


Happy Singing Everyone!!


Luke Walker

Term 4 online learning.

Welcome to music online for term 4 week 6/7. There will be some fun activities for all students to take part in this week. There is a Kahoot for students to take part in and some online music games and other activities.

The Kahoot details will be emailed to students from their teachers and I will post all other activities here on the blog.

I hope everyone enjoys their music online. Feel free to utilise any of the other resources that are on the blog from earlier online time periods.

Music Games Website

This is a great website with many games to play. I recommend you play Game 5 the “What rhythm do you hear game” or Game 14 the “Rhythm racing” game.  All of the games are fun and great to play.

Click on the image to play or go to

Warm-up Rhythm Reading Song

This video is a great place to start getting into tempo and rhythm. This is what each rhythm lesson should start with.  All of the students from Reception to Year 4 know this warm up. It can be clapped, stamped or even walked around to. Just make sure you stay in time with the video. If you master this move onto the harder videos!!

New Music Teacher Mr. Collins

Hello my name is Adam Collins and I am the new music teacher at Holy Family. I am so happy to be posting my first blog and collating and creating online resources for our students to use when distance learning. I love music and have found that the students at Holy Family share this passion. Dancing, singing and playing instruments are all ways that this passion can be encouraged, in class and at home, without many resources being required. This blog will also have videos, games quizzes and videos, that will guide the students and parents through activities to help with distance learning.

Catholic Schools Music Festival Choir Information

Holy Family Catholic School




The Festival Choir is being part of an exciting, once in a life time experience. It is a significant commitment with a very rewarding outcome.

Rehearsals are held on Monday’s from either 1.30 – 2.10pm or 2.10 – 2.50pm depending on the section your child sings in.

It is expected that students will participate in ALL rehearsals and performances during the year, which may include:

  • The Catholic Schools Music Festival
  • Participation in school concerts/assemblies
  • Participation in any other school performances as required (Spring Fair, Sports Day) etc.

The songs are prepared and arranged specifically for Upper Primary children by the Catholic Schools Music Festival Committee. They vary in style and difficulty but overall comprise a demanding selection of genuine choir work.  As such, the choir should not be seen as an easy option, but should be considered with the same commitment as learning an instrument or being involved in a sporting team.


This is an annual event showcasing hundreds of Catholic primary school children, held over four nights at the Festival Theatre.

 In 2020 our choir will be asked to sing on ONE of the following concert nights from Mon 14 – Thurs 17 September inclusive (the exact date is unknown until Term 3).

Students MUST be able to attend a rehearsal at the Festival Theatre on the morning of their performance.

Sarah Crisp

Choir Trainer




Did you know that your child is able to learn an instrument at school?  Information and enrolment booklets are available now; you can pick up a copy from the school office, Music teacher or Music blog. Please return them as quickly as possible as instrumental teachers have already begun planning their timetables and waiting lists may apply.   

You may like to choose one of the following – violin, drums, singing, classical guitar, piano or keyboard.

Also Recorder, flute, saxophone – subject to enrolment numbers.

Don’t miss out on giving your child the gift of music. Enrol now!


Nick our talented Drum teacher is offering shared lessons this term. Two students in a 30 minute slot. $15 each student. This is a fantastic opportunity to try drumming at half price!

Middle Primary Recorder lessons

RECORDERS blog blurb



Dear Families,

After studying the recorder at school, the students are keen to show you what they can do.

For hygiene reasons, each student has been allocated their own recorder and will be responsible for its safe return to school.

Please ensure your child’s recorder is returned to school by Monday 23rdSeptember.Week 10.

(Any unreturned recorders will incur a replacement fee).

I hope you thoroughly enjoy this shared musical experience.

Kind regards,

Sarah Crisp

(Music Teacher)