Week 1 – Trick Shot Challenge

Hey students,

Here is a challenge for you. Im sure you have seen trick shots on YouTube, Instagram and other forms of socials. We are going to create our challenge platform using FlipGrid. We have set a challenge for you, our focus is a target shot. See if you can match or better ours 🙂 Use this link:     https://flipgrid.com/0f8238bb

To login into FlipGrid you use your school email and laptop password. See the image below.

Your task is to record your trick shot and publish it to the FlipGrid. This challenge is mainly aimed at Years 2-6 as you all have your own laptop, although R-1s can join in if they can access the FlipGrid.

Have fun and be creative! We look forward to seeing your trick shots 🙂


Week 1 PE Lesson – Create your own Obstacle Course

Good morning Holy Family students.

For the students learning at home we are going to focus on our fundamental movement skills and game skills. Your task in week 1 is to create your own obstacle course. Follow the instructions in the video below. There is a video for R-2 and a seperate video for 3-6. Remember our goal is to raise our heart rates and be creative.

R-2 – Obstacle Course

Years 3-6 – Obstacle Course

Have fun!

Post a comment if you have any questions 🙂