My Holiday recount Term 3

When I was on my holiday I went to the shops with my mum to buy some lunch then after we bought some lunch we went home with my brothers to cook. I helped my mum cook by getting the ingredients out and we made some soup for me and my brothers  to eat. On the holidays my big brother got a Fitbit because my mum didn’t want it for her birthday my dad gave it to her for her birthday but she didn’t want it so my dad gave it to my big brother and then the day was ended so we all went to sleep then I woke up early so  I went outside and brushed my teeth and then I went to the living room got the cereal out made some cereal ate the cereal and then I put the television on. and watched 9Go and waited for my sister and my brothers to wake up  when they woke up my brothers ate egg and bread and then we went to St Kilda to play we played on the climbing rope and we went in the maze. then we went to the slide and then there was another slide that we went on then we went home and the day was ended.


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