Mission Week and Reconciliation Week – Term 2, Week 5


This week has been so much fun as we have prepared for Mission Day.

On Mission Day all of the classes in the school sell items which they have made to the children within the school. The money which is spent goes to a number of charities to support children and families who are less fortunate than us.

The children in the school work hard to make a range of different items to sell, as a group we decided to make play dough to sell. The children in 2EV had so much fun making this play dough.

You wouldn’t believe how many learning opportunities popped up, just from making play dough.

We started the week by learning how to write a procedure and how to create ‘how to’ books. Of course we did this by working together to write a procedure for how to make play dough. This covered majority of our literacy learning for the week.

This lead us into our maths learning for the week, as the children needed to understand fractions and measurement in order to measure the ingredients accurately. Division also came back into the picture, as the children had to work out how to best divide their play dough up for selling. This covered our maths learning for the week.

This week was not just Mission Week, it was also Reconciliation Week. National Reconciliation Week is intended to celebrate Indigenous history and culture in Australia and foster reconciliation discussion and activities.

We discussed the importance of  Reconciliation Week and also explored Indigenous culture. The children learnt how to create Indigenous symbols and use these symbols to create art work stories.

We also spend  some time creating persuasive posters for our play dough.

Have a look at the photos from this week… we captured so many!

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