Week One and Two, Term Three

Welcome back families!

We have been busy little workers getting back into the swing of things since the two week break.

During Writer’s Workshop, we have continued to work on our books and talk about the structure of a narrative. We have been analysing the text we read to work out what is happening in the beginning of the story, the middle of the story and in the end. We have also been checking our text to see if we can identify the who, the what, and the where in the story, as well as discussing how different stages and parts of stories make us feel particular ways.

We have been working on becoming better readers too. We have been learning how to identify when our brain needs quick micro breaks, what to do when our brain needs these breaks and how to get back into our reading once the break is over, all in a quick way, which causes little disruption. The children have had paper and other tools on their desk with their books, to turn to during the micro breaks. This helps us become concentrated readers with great reading stamina.

During Word study we have started looking at the long ‘a’ sound. We have learnt how to make the sound, we have identified the sound and written words with the long ‘a’ sound in them. We have also discovered that the long ‘a’ sound can be written with a few different letter combinations, such as ‘a_e’, ‘ai’, ‘a’ and ‘ay’.

We read the book, ‘The Snail and the Whale’, which helped us make these discoveries.

During Maths we have been learning about Australian money, we have been identifying the different coins and discovering their value. We have been adding up different quantities of cents to make $1 and $2 and identifying all of the different combinations of coins we can use to make $1. We have found our 10 and 5 times tables very helpful for this.

During Art, we talked about warm colours and cool colours. We identified which colours are cool colours and which colours are warm colours and created this amazing art work to show our understanding of how these colours can be used effectively when creating art work.

We had some beautiful sunny days were we made the most of it and took the opportunity to get outside and burn off some energy. Four of the girls in 2EV, Aria, Anna P, Helena and Emilia wanted to practice their literacy skills during this time and decided to use their shadows and create four letter words with their arms, hands and bodies.

We also met our year 5/6 buddies! We interviewed our buddy to learn as much about them as possible.


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