Week 10, Term 2

Welcome to the final week of Term Two!

This week we had, Miss Lilly, a return student from Holy Family join us on her Year 10 work experience. The children enjoyed having her around to help them.

We continued to learn about measurement this week, learning how to measure length with a particular focus on learning how to use a ruler to measure in centimetres. Children practiced estimating the length of objects in centimetres, then measuring the length of objects in centimetres to check their estimation. Children also compared the length of objects, stating which object was longer or shorter and even worked out how many centimetres longer one object is than another. We also completed a colourful art piece which involved measuring lines and using rulers too.

In Religion, we also learnt about the four Gospels. The children learnt that the New Testament is made of four books, which are called the four Gospels, the Gospel of John, Mark, Matthew and Luke.  They learnt that each book tells us about the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and each book is written in a different way. They learnt that while each book may tell the same story of Jesus each is quite different sometimes one adding more details or less details than another.

We read the story of Jesus Feeds Five Thousand, four times, each time from a different Gospel, we then discussed and talked about the similarities and differences between the four versions of the story.

After this discussion children drew the image they saw in their head while they were listening to the four different versions of Jesus Feeds Five Thousand, they then rewrote the story in their own way taking bits and pieces away from each of the four Gospels to rewrite the story.

We have had a wonderful Term filled with so much learning.

I hope that each of the children have a wonderful school holiday break and I am looking forward to seeing them all again next Term! I will not be at school on the first day of Term 3, as my youngest son is starting school and I wish to be there for this very important milestone in his life. I will see your children on Tuesday Week 1, Term 3. They will have a relief teacher on Monday of Week 1, Term 3.


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