Week 4 Term 2

Welcome families,

This week has been a busy week.

In mathematics we have taken a break from focusing on partitioning and place value and moved onto learning about division.

For the first time today we talked about what division is and practiced dividing numbers of objects between a certain amount of groups. We practiced as a class first and then we had a go at doing it on our own.

On Wednesday, it was National Simultaneous Story time and this year the book was titled ‘The Speedy Sloth’. As a school, along with most other schools and Kindergartens in Australia we read this book together on this day.


Yesterday we read a book called 13 words!

The author is very creative and introduced 13 words to her story, one by one and each time a new word was presented she had to think of her own way of adding it into her story.

After reading this book everyone in the class put pencil to paper and had a go at doing the same. I gave them one word at a time and they had no idea which words they would get, each time a gave a new word they had to think of a way to add it into their book.

Have a look at their creativity!

Today is Sorry Day.

On this day we remember the Indigenous Families and the Stolen Generations. Us as teachers, teach the children about the significance of Sorry Day and we teach them about the history of the Indigenous Peoples and the Stolen Generations.

Today we read, ‘Sorry Day’ and talked about how devastating this time would have been for the Indigenous People many years ago and the lasting trauma these events still cause for Indigenous families today.

The children then created presentations to show their understanding of Sorry Day.

During most lessons we listen to music. The genre changes depending on the mood for the lesson. Music helps the children focus. Have a look for yourself. All of the children are working so hard, they are very focused on their learning.

During Writer’s Workshop the children have continued to read like writers, noticing different techniques and skills in published books and applying them in their own books. Have a look at Anna D’s book. She has seen flips and cut outs used in published books and decided to use them in her own book.


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