Catholic Identity Day – Kindness

The theme for this years Catholic Identity Day is Kindness. We celebrated this theme by creating posters where students recognised each others positive characteristics. The students has a very positive experience and enjoyed writing kind words about their friends.

Word Study

In Word Study this term we have been investigating suffixes. Recently, we have been exploring how to use the <ed> suffix and the three sounds which this suffix makes: Soft <t>, Hard <d> and <ed>/<id>.

Today, we worked as a group to revise our understanding of this suffix by writing down a word we could remember from each sound.

Mixing Colours

Today in Art we explored paint mixing using the primary colours and shades. Students loved being able to create their own secondary and tertiary colours.

National Simultaneous Storytime 2023

Today we participated in National Simultaneous Storytime. This special event is held annually, with thousands of classes and children tuning in to read a specific book at the same time.

This year the chosen book was ‘The Speedy Slothby Rebecca Young and Heath McKenzie.

We enjoyed gathering in the Hall as a school to listen and view the book together. Following this, we headed outside to enjoy some quality time reading with our Year 3 buddies.

Please see below some pictures of 2SD & 3NP reading together:

Healthy Eating

In Health this term we have been exploring what healthy eating is and what it looks like. We have explored The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating, where we looked at the five major food groups (Fruits, Vegetables, Dairy, Grains and Proteins) and the minor food groups (sometimes foods).

To represent their understanding, students created a healthy plate of food using products from the five food groups. Please see some of our work below.

Word Detectives

In Word Study we have been Word Detectives. This week, we investigated our books to find the suffix /ing/ using our magnifying glasses. Once we found a word with the /ing/ suffix, we recorded it on a sticky note.

After 15 minutes of investigating, we then came together to share our findings. We recorded some of our words using ‘word sums’ to show our understanding of how a base + suffix work together to create a word with a new meaning. In this case, we discussed verbs (doing words).

Water Colour Artwork

This afternoon students completed a water colour artwork using coloured water and straws. They enjoyed being able to choose their coloured water and blow it around the page.

‘My favourite part was when we blowed the paint out. It was so cool to me!’ – Guntas

‘I liked blowing the paint. It was my favourite part.’ – Alyssa

‘I chose all the colours. I liked blowing them.’ – Rex

‘I like that we got to paint.’ – Olivia

Please see some photos the students creating their amazing artworks below: